529, Everyone has a fatal weakness or vulnerability

Shi Xiuren coldly said, "That's how things are. How you want to handle it, or whether you believe it or not, is up to you. I only regret not telling you everything earlier. But when I gave you the name 'Shouye', you should have known that I am relying on you to protect my legacy."

Shi Shouye slowly put out his cigarette, a look of disbelief flashed through his shocked eyes: "So, dad, you've thought of a contingency plan long ago, haven't you?"

"It's just a trifling matter, why worry? Every person has their weaknesses. Once you find it, you can solve everything." Shi Xiuren said slowly, a cold smile blooming on his lips like the blade of a sharp knife. His murky, experienced eyes seemed deep, as if they were hiding a storm within them.

Shi Shouye faltered: "Dad, are you saying...?"

The air was unusually thin while Shi Xiuren pursed his lips, a ruthless and cold gaze enveloped him, "You know what I mean to say, so you should know what to do."