533, Shi Yuhan, the big pervert

As Shi Yuhuan was about to drive her home, just as she was about to get into the car, she blurted out, "I would like to go to the villa tonight, will you come with me..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Shi Yuhuan interjected, "There's a global video conferencing tonight."


The ride was silent. Just before she got out of the car, Zhan Jie finally voiced her thoughts, "Why did you give me a house?"

Shi Yuhuan did not respond, only getting out of the car and courteously opening the passenger side door for her.

Before turning away to leave, Zhan Jie asked with a frown, "Would our relationship be different if Song Qinghuan wasn't present?"

Shi Yuhuan's face did not show any surprise, as if he was expecting her to ask that question.

With a slight headache, he rubbed his forehead and softly said, "Even when beating the dog, one must consider the owner. Besides, my relationship with her is not what you think it is."