540, one hundred billion, playing a game.

The soft morning sun seeped through the gaps in the curtains and dispersed around the room.

Song Qinghuan opened her eyes in a daze, wanting to stretch subconsciously, but an arm extended from her side and gently pressed on her.

Turning her gaze, she saw Shi Yuhuan, his expression languid as he looked at her with a loving smile.

"Woke up early, didn't we? Seems like I didn't try hard enough last night," he said, giving her a gentle kiss as she looked at him.

Song Qinghuan, flushed from his suggestive words, snapped at him, "Get off me!"

Shi Yuhuan's eyes narrowed, "No one has ever dared to tell me to 'scram' before!"

Even though his partially narrowed eyes looked potentially devastating, as if containing a force capable of destroying the whole world.

But Song Qinghuan was bravely defying him, refusing to show any sign of weakness.

She looked him straight in the eyes and defiantly retorted, "What if I say 'scram'? What can you do? Are you going to throw me out?"