537, The relationship is not ordinary

Feeling downhearted, Song Qinghuan stepped outside and looked at the table she had been sitting at, her gaze finally landing on Shi Yuhuan.

His eyes were on Zhan Jie. Zhan Jie must have said something fun, because he raised his eyebrows slightly, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

To Song Qinghuan, this sight was a painful stab to the eyes. A phrase suddenly sprung to her mind, "The new love laughs, caring not about the tears of the old."

Oh, men, so fickle in love and of such little faith! Falling in love with each woman they meet!

But maybe that's incorrect. Zhan Jie was the old love, and she was the new one... a new love who had never really had her place.

This thought made Song Qinghuan feel pitiful and desolate. She can't even begin to describe the mess of emotions in her heart!

She felt she should rush up, grab Shi Yuhuan by the collar, lift him to his feet, and demand to know what he meant by his actions.