565, Elaborately narrated, Qinghuan's life story 2

Hearing this, Song Qinghuan's heart was lifted, she subconsciously took over the conversation: "That baby, it was me, right?"

Lu Meiyan nodded: "Yes, that baby was you. I found you alone on the rooftop. A thought flashed across my mind then. If you were my daughter, if my daughter hadn't died, then your father wouldn't have left me. So, I gave up on the idea of dying. I left the hospital holding you and went to a small clinic. I bribed the doctor and the nurse with money, and then called your father to tell him that I had given birth."

Upon hearing this, Song Qinghuan heaved a long and deep sigh, feeling somewhat relieved, somewhat self-mocking, and somewhat sad: "So, I was abandoned by my parents, on the rooftop, right?"

Lu Meiyan bit her lip and remained silent, her face pale.