567, met again, Li Chengyun

As she took a car from the suburbs to the city, she suddenly started dry heaving in the car, her back periodically getting cold.

But at that time, Song Qinghuan didn't think much, assuming it was just motion sickness — she did get car sick rather often.

Upon returning to the city, she didn't go back to her hotel rest, choosing instead to visit the famous Food Street of Q City, ready to enjoy its local dishes.

However, as soon as she entered the alley, the scent of greasiness made her nauseous.

Realizing she was losing control, she quickly ran out, found a secluded place, and began throwing up, not stopping till she was practically vomiting bile.

Then, she felt completely drained, stomachache, even her abdomen was hurting. She had no appetite left — merely the smell made her want to throw up.

Song Qinghuan had no choice but to return to the main road, ready to hail a cab back to her hotel.