576, Thrilling, just a second away

Song Qinghuan looked at Li Chengyun, his face stern and cold, and the iciness radiating from him, which was daunting enough to make swallowing difficult.

She turned to leave, then had a second thought and spun back asking, "How is the injured person doing?"

Li Chengyun glanced at her, "His injuries are not too severe, he's had skin graft surgery and will gradually recover."

Upon hearing this, Song Qinghuan smiled in relief, "Please thank him for me!"

After Li Chengyun nodded, she didn't linger further and went upstairs to rest.

Once she laid in bed, she found it hard to fall asleep. When she finally did, she was suddenly awakened. Seeing that it was just past three in the morning, she forced herself back to sleep.

By the time Shi Yuhuan arrived, it was late at night, yet the entire Li Mansion was brightly lit.

Li Chengyun hadn't retired for the night and was waiting for him. He shared with Shi Yuhuan a rough sketch of what had happened to Song Qinghuan before her flight.