578, Hiding? Who are you hiding from?

In any case, the more Song Qinghuan thought about it, the sweeter the thought became. In the end, she decided to allow Aunt He to go home first, and she herself would go grocery shopping and cook dinner, preparing the meal for Shi Yuhuan herself.

There was a large supermarket in the community complex, so Song Qinghuan treated the grocery shopping like a leisurely walk. As she walked back, something suddenly extended out from her front as she was passing the bamboo grove.

Luckily, she had been incredibly cautious since her pregnancy, otherwise she would have absolutely tripped and fallen because of it!

"Who's that!" Song Qinghuan narrowed her delicate brows, glaring at the leg stretched out in front of her, and without showing any mercy she stomped hard on it.

"Ouch!" The person hidden behind the bamboo grove quickly emerged, his austere and deadly aura sending chills down her spine. He glared at Song Qinghuan: "You heartless girl, are you trying to murder someone!"