581, the negotiation failed and they resorted to fighting, that's terrifying!

"Get out! I won't say it again," Si Chen's pupils turned icy blue, his voice colder than ever before.

Without giving Shi Mu a chance to explain, he turned his back on him without wanting to hear any excuses.

Shi Mu felt a sharp, intense pain in his heart, as if it was being torn apart.

Unable to continue this stalemate, he extended his long arm, pulling Si Chen into a tight embrace.

Sparks flew in the air.

Si Chen, having strength of his own, shoved Shi Mu away forcefully: "***, stop disgusting me."

Then, he delivered a strong punch.

Shi Mu fell onto the couch, clutching his painful abdomen, his eyes red and face pale, as he looked at Si Chen: "Are you really going to do this?"