585, four fingers, long time no see

Song Qinghuan stumbled forward and then fainted, allowing Four-Fingers to carry her away.

The brief few seconds of the video were enough to make anyone's heart pound with fear.

Shi Yuhuan closed his eyes, his hands clenched into fists. He would allow nothing to happen to her. Not unless he died first.

After hanging up the phone, Shi Yuhuan began to consider calmly: where did Four-Fingers take Song Qinghuan? Why did he kidnap her? And how was he going to save her?

The more he thought, the stronger the murderous intent and gloom in his eyes became.

At that moment, Shi Yuhuan wanted to subject Four-Fingers to every painful punishment in the world. He wanted to make him suffer so much that he would beg for death.

Yan Pingdan showed up, fuming when he knew Song Qinghuan was missing.