595, Civil Affairs Bureau, let's go.

Shi Yuhuan's eyes narrowed dangerously, "Song Qinghuan!"

Song Qinghuan was not afraid of him and continued to speak, "Even though the child will be with me and might not have a prosperous life, I will love them dearly. I will provide them with the best upbringing and education, and will ensure their safe and healthy growth."

"I won't divorce," he said, his tone casual but adamant.

Song Qinghuan didn't seem to care. She shrugged, "Tomorrow, I'll have my lawyer file a divorce lawsuit in court."

Shi Yuhuan looked at her, "..."

As if she couldn't see him, Song Qinghuan tiredly leaned onto the couch, staring intently at the TV without saying another word.

With her silence, Shi Yuhuan was momentarily lost, not knowing how to break it.

When they were together in the past, it was Song Qinghuan who usually had a lot to say, chattering animatedly near him.

And he would just listen, occasionally chuckling, nodding his head, or kissing her lips.