605, Touched, heart soft as water

When Shi Yuhuan closed the door, Song Qinghuan threw a pillow at it, hard.

Then she lay on the bed, sulking. The more she thought about it, the more she felt she needed to divorce Shi Yuhuan as soon as possible, so her life would return to peace.

After lying there for a while, using hunger as an excuse, she found that she was genuinely hungry.

She changed clothes and went downstairs, surprised to find Shi Yuhuan in the kitchen, making food. Could he actually cook? Was it because she said she was hungry that he left the room to prepare something for her to eat?

The anger simmering inside her suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Then, scenes of their life in the small village came flooding back. In that small house, he made soup for her, and they washed dishes and cleaned the house together.

Back then, they were supposed to be discussing divorce, but it ended up with him forcing her not to divorce him…