616, Brother, I like him.

"Are you two really together, does he truly care for you?" Yan Pingdan asked, though he felt he already knew the answer.

For a man like Shi Yuhuan, he wouldn't have let Qinghuan have his child, much less cook for her himself, if his feelings weren't genuine.

Song Qinghuan shrunk her head and shrugged her shoulders, "We are together, but who knows if he's sincere. Anyway, we're in a tangled mess and can't break up for now."

As for the future, who knows, right?!

Yan Pingdan kept silent, just helplessly massaged Song Qinghuan's head a bit, "What's so good about him, he's so cold. I hope you marry a man who can provide you warmth."

Just then, Shi Yuhuan was looking towards the dining room from the kitchen.

The distance from the kitchen to the dining room was surely too far for Shi Yuhuan to overhear what Song Qinghuan and Yan Pingdan were murmuring.

However, he could read lips, thus he saw clearly what Yan Pingdan had said.

The corners of his mouth suddenly turned frosty.