613, he hit a mine

After dinner, Shi Yuhuan stood by the floor-to-ceiling window, observing the outside world with an expressionless face.

Sitting on the sofa watching television, Song Qinghuan felt that Shi Yuhuan was a bit different tonight compared to recent times.

She pursed her lips and turned, her eyes glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, preparing to take a nap.

But just as she got up, Shi Yuhuan also turned and looked at her with a strange gaze.

Song Qinghuan did not move, only quietly stared at him, clearly feeling he had something to say to her.

Indeed, Shi Yuhuan took steps toward her, held her hand and sat down on the sofa, "The weather here in A City is still not good in spring, would you like to reside overseas for some time?"

Song Qinghuan looked at him wordlessly, her face slightly sullen and her brows furrowed.

Perceiving her unusual silence, Shi Yuhuan lifted her chin, asking inquisitively, "What's wrong?"