Do not do unto others what you do not wish for yourself.

Han Qianqian bit her lip, her voice unconsciously raised: "No, it was they, the mother and son, who killed my mom. Unless I die, I would never let him enter the Han Family and gradually devour everything it has."

As she spoke, a bloodthirsty cold laugh escaped her lips, and her deep, watery eyes roiled like a tumultuous sea, a tempestuous storm in the midst of calamity—all a destructive light!

She clenched her teeth, "Why should they get away with killing my mother, live happily, and still have the right to control the Han Family? The Han Family isn't only my father's, my mother also had her share!"

"Enough!" Shi Yuhuan sat there elegantly, fingers intertwined.

His simple response resounded like the sovereign command of a supreme emperor.

Han Qianqian's head began to pound. She pressed her lips tightly together in silence.

Shi Yuhuan coldly said: "If you yourself are not in the right frame of mind, what right do you have to relentlessly reproach others?"