Too Shameful

This cold, arrogant man had already started to ignore her. Now she could hear the soft sound of water flowing as he showered.

Tao Yaoyao turned around, examined her breasts in the mirror, and complained loudly to the man in the bathroom without caring whether he heard her or not. "What do you mean? Why are only big breasts considered beautiful? Aren't small perky breasts more attractive? If you like big breasts so much, why don't I get you a cow tomorrow?"

She was thinking that she would never admit that nothing had happened between them last night because he didn't think that she was attractive enough.

It was Feng Zhuo's fault.

Otherwise, how else could one explain why when a vivacious goddess like herself took the initiative to make a move on him, he'd actually stopped it in the end?

As she thought about it, Tao Yaoyao shuddered.

Um...was it possible that Feng Zhuo was asexual or suffered from erectile dysfunction or that his private parts were too small?

No matter how handsome a man was, no matter how good his temperament was, and although it didn't matter if he was poor as long as he worked hard, if he couldn't dominate a woman like a man should, could he still be called a man?

However, it seemed, it seemed...she had a vague memory of a certain someone being aroused by her last night.

Oh my god! She was blushing and her heart was throbbing.

It was too shameful.

She coughed twice, and pretending to be very serious, she yelled toward the bathroom, "Feng Zhuo, this is my bathroom and my room, so you come out and go use the bathroom in your room."

The sound of the running water stopped, and Feng Zhuo's low voice sounded from inside. "It's 8:45."

"So what?" Tao Yaoyao looked adorably dazed. She didn't understand what he meant by saying it was 8:45.

In a lazy voice, Feng Zhuo reminded her, "You're going to be late to work."

"Ah!" Tao Yaoyao exclaimed. She quickly went to her closet and started choosing clothes.

Disregarding the fact that he was still in the bathroom and might come out at any moment, she changed into her work clothes while shouting at him, "Why didn't you tell me earlier that I was going to be late? This is all your fault."

Five minutes later, she was dressed neatly and had put on light makeup. Feng Zhuo came out of the bathroom.

Before Tao Yaoyao left, she said to him, "You must remember to ask for a marriage leave, and you must come to my house to continue this fight tomorrow."

With that said, she sprinted away.

Feng Zhuo narrowed his eyes and stared at her back until she disappeared.

( ̄▽ ̄~)~

Tao Yaoyao worked as an intern reporter for a fashion magazine.

Since she'd gone to ask the director for a marriage leave during her internship period and now here she was arriving late as well, she was severely reprimanded. Everyone in the company found out that she had actually gotten married.

The company had men who'd earnestly pursued Tao Yaoyao with romantic intentions. After learning that she was a married woman, their hearts had all been broken.

The company senior who had been mentoring Tao Yaoyao was an unmarried 40-year-old woman.

She felt extremely sour about the fact that Tao Yaoyao had gotten married.

She said contemptuously, "Did you really get married? What does your husband do? Do you have a house? Do you have a car? What is his annual income?"

"Sister Qiuru, he is a model [Are you sure?] who has no house or car for the time being." Tao Yaoyao smiled pleasantly.

Zhou Qiuru snickered and said contemptuously, "Model? Oh my god! Other people don't realize this, but how could someone in our industry be unaware of how messy the modeling industry is? Aren't you out of your mind for actually getting mixed up with a model?"