So Close, He Was Going To...

"With the unsatisfied expression on your face and your head full of perverted thoughts, it seems like I'll have to lock my door when I sleep tonight."

Tao Yaoyao had just taken a step toward the living room when she was shocked to hear what Feng Zhuo, who was walking in behind her, had said. Her left foot got caught up with her right foot, and she fell forward. Fortunately, she grabbed onto the cabinet that was nearby so she didn't fall down.

She turned around and screamed angrily at Feng Zhuo at the top of her lungs, "What sort of person do you think I am?"

"What sort of person...? A perverted woman." After she'd silently answered her own question, her tough expression suddenly disappeared. Her guilty conscience made her feel like a wanted criminal who'd just been stopped by the police after being on the run for three years.

"Oh..." Feng Zhuo turned on the light in the living room. As it shone on him it illuminated his face, which was as delicate and handsome as a jade carving.

Tao Yaoyao's aggrieved expression made her appear extremely pitiful. "Feng Zhuo, what about the most basic trust between people? Your acting like this makes me extremely tired..."

Originally, she'd been planning to answer him back and harangue him, but she suddenly stopped when Feng Zhuo leaned over and approached her.

He got very close to her, and his warm breath blew across her cheeks. Their breathing mixed together in a romantic way.

His handsome face was magnified in front of her eyes. Tao Yaoyao instinctively stepped back, but she bumped into the cabinet that was behind her. She could no longer retreat.

She felt her face grow hot, and her voice trembled as she asked, "What...what are you doing?"

"Being so close, he was going to kiss her, wasn't he?" This thought made her suddenly close her eyes as if she had been bewitched.

She was a little nervous, a little expectant, and her heart beat wildly. She didn't dare to move her body, and her face flushed bright red all the way to the base of her ears.

"Boom...boom..." She heard a sound and instinctively opened her eyes. She saw Feng Zhuo take his shoes out of the cabinet and stare at her as he changed into them.

He still had the same cold, indifferent expression, but the corners of his mouth were curled up into a smile.

From her 45-degree-angle view, it was worse than a wicked smile.

All her hope and anticipation instantly turned into speechless exasperation. Tao Yaoyao silently condemned Feng Zhuo. He just had to make the act of taking out his shoes so sexy.

How torturous this was. His every movement and gesture gave her butterflies in her stomach.

Upon seeing her red face, Feng Zhuo raised his eyebrows slightly as he said cruelly, "I was just getting my shoes, did you actually think otherwise...?"

"I didn't think anything,,." Before she'd even finished her sentence, her body was pressed up against the wall.

Feng Zhuo breathed into her face again. "You didn't think that I was going to kiss you just now, did you?"

Having learned her lesson, Tao Yaoyao wasn't deceived this time. She calmly pushed away the attractive man. "No!"

She thought that as a normal woman, it was normal for strange associations to come to mind when a handsome face was so close to her.

"I'm not interested in you." Raising her head in an arrogant manner, she shook her fist at him.

The corners of Feng Zhuo's mouth twitched slightly. "Not interested? On our wedding night, the lingerie you chose was especially sexy. As you talked to me, you bent over a few times. I could see that you were wearing black lace underwear that night. You purposely spilled water on my trousers and then touched me all over. As for on the third day, which was last night, you..."

"Ahhhhh! Don't talk, don't talk, don't talk anymore!" Tao Yaoyao stood on her tiptoes as she covered Feng Zhuo's mouth with her little hand.

"He'd actually known that she was trying to seduce him. It was already bad enough that he hadn't taken the bait, hadn't responded, and still remembered it, but he'd actually said it out loud."

She was so embarrassed. He'd gone way too overboard, way too overboard.