She Was Set on Sleeping with Him

"Don't talk to me anymore tonight," Tao Yaoyao said angrily. She'd lost her appetite, so she threw down her chopsticks and got up from the table.

However, she seemed to have gotten up too quickly. Everything went dark and she felt dizziness that made her unsteady. She held onto the table for support.

Feng Zhuo's pupils suddenly dilated, and he looked a little nervous. He'd almost stood up, but seeing that Tao Yaoyao had maintained her balance with the table's support, he stopped and simply asked, "What's happened to you?"

She had been full of vitality just now, so how come she had suddenly been about to faint? All sorts of ominous thoughts flashed through his mind.

Tao Yaoyao blinked her eyes repeatedly. She was still a little dazed, and she stood still for a moment before recovering.

She said, "It's a chronic thing. Sometimes, if I move too quickly, my eyes will go dark and my head will get dizzy. At first, I thought I was ill, so I went to the hospital for an examination. The doctor said it's nothing serious and getting good rest should be enough. So tonight, don't make me overexert myself. You'll have to wash the dishes."

Feng Zhuo's eyes looked Tao Yaoyao over from top to bottom, and he said pleasantly, "Okay."

"Huh? Really?" At first, Tao Yaoyao had thought that she had heard him wrong, and then she exclaimed, "Great, I'll go take a shower."

Staring at the dishes on the table with a slight frown, Feng Zhuo seemed as if he wasn't paying attention. She didn't know what he was thinking.

Tao Yaoyao thought that he was getting a headache over the idea of doing the dishes.

Especially because he was a crazy man with OCD.

She secretly laughed to herself as she walked into her bedroom. After cooking, she had gotten grease all over her body and she wanted to wash it off.

After half an hour, Tao Yaoyao slowly came out of the bedroom.

She was wearing a men's white shirt with her bare calves exposed. Revealing her beautiful chest, the loose clothing was only buttoned up to the third button.

Appearing so sexy and alluring, she was set on sleeping with Feng Zhuo that night.

She didn't expect that when she walked out to the living room, Feng Zhuo would already have changed his clothes.

He really didn't seem like a model. His exceptional temperament, cold and arrogant mannerisms, and extraordinarily handsome face together made him a perfect specimen. Even a simple white shirt made him appear so graceful and elegant.

Tao Yaoyao asked in shock, "Are you going out tonight?"

"Yeah." Feng Zhuo glanced at her aloofly, then went to change his shoes.

Watching him open the door to leave, Tao Yaoyao shouted toward his back, "Um, don't come back too late. You have to do something for me tomorrow."

"Got it." He didn't look back and simply waved good-bye to her. He then closed the door and left.

Tao Yaoyao yawned, went back to the bedroom, and fell onto the bed. She must have been really tired since she fell asleep almost immediately


Early morning...

Tao Yaoyao woke up dazed by the blinding morning sunlight. Suddenly, a shriek sounded in her apartment, "Ah! Where is he?"

Feng Zhuo had gone out last night, and now in the morning he still hadn't returned. His phone had been turned off, and she was unable to get through to him.

Tao Yaoyao was very angry. She was yelling, "Feng Zhuo, you have gone way, way overboard. I reminded you last thing yesterday, yet you still didn't return home and have even turned off your phone. You'd better never show up again, or I'll stab you with a knife.

As she thought about this, she resented him more and more.

But later she began to worry.

He hadn't come back all night, and his phone had been turned off. Could something have happened to him?