We're Already Married, Part V

Tao Jiantong was livid. "Can love put bread on the table? Can you live on it for the rest of your life? How can love exist without money? If it weren't for me, do you actually think this kid would have given you the time of day? And even married you? Don't even think about it, Tao Yaoyao. Divorce him now!"

"I won't divorce him," Tao Yaoyao said firmly.

Upon seeing how willfully adamant Tao Yaoyao was being, Grandma became so angry that her lips were quivering. She grit her teeth and said harshly, "If you won't divorce him, you will have to suffer hardships in the future." Then she looked at her son, Tao Jiantong. "Look at the daughter you raised. Just like her mother, she's a lunatic."

"My mom wasn't a lunatic. My mom was just driven crazy by you, you old hag!" Tao Yaoyao had the desire to shout back at her like that. But she kept a gentle expression on her face so they couldn't tell what her mood was.

She said instead, "Grandma, from today on, you must listen to the doctor's words. Take care of your health, live a long life, burn incense, and worship Buddha every day. Pray that the Bodhisattva will let you live a long life. Only then will you know how happily married I am, and how happy my life will be."

Grandma was overwhelmed with anger. Her eyes were like two knives piercing through Tao Yaoyao.

As if she was about to have a heart attack, she clutched her chest and appeared out of breath.

A filial son, Father Tao frowned immediately and reprimanded her, "Tao Yaoyao, watch how you talk to Grandma."

"Huh? Did I say the wrong thing?" Tao Yaoyao had a pitiful, innocent expression on her face. "I want Grandma to live a long life to see my happiness. Was that wrong? Unless, Dad, do you want Grandma to die early?"

Grandma became enraged again, and she flipped over her teacup on the table. "You wretched girl! You have no manners at all."

The teacup shattered on the ground, and the shards scattered everywhere .

Tao Yaoyao sneered, "I have no manners? If the upper beam isn't straight, the lower beam will be crooked as well. Grandma, if you say I have no manners, it means that my father also has no manners, and if my father has no manners, doesn't that mean that you, Grandma, also have no manners? Grandma, do you think someone using her son to seduce someone else's wife, then giving birth to a son for this family demonstrates manners...?"

"You! Jiantong, look at this wild girl you raised..." Grandma was so angry that her voice was shaking, and she pointed to Tao Yaoyao's nose in a fit of anger, but she couldn't think of anything to say back to her.

"Shut up, Tao Yaoyao!"

"Father, am I wrong? Grandma's manners are her grandchildren's..."

Upon seeing that his mother was so angry that she was about to faint, Father Tao lifted his hand and waved it toward Tao Yaoyao, as if to slap her.

Even with the vigorous palm heading toward her face, Tao Yaoyao didn't hide, but simply stared at Father Tao with a smirk.

Father Tao actually had only wanted to scare her. He didn't really want to slap her.

But her smirk made him think that his daughter was truly too unruly, and she really needed to be taught a lesson.

But then the slap was abruptly stopped by a big hand.

Feng Zhuo had appeared in front of Tao Yaoyao. He'd blocked Tao Jiantong's hand and forcefully stopped him.

Tao Zishen had also taken a step forward to protect Tao Yaoyao, but he stopped when he saw Feng Zhuo step up.

Feng Zhuo's posture was tall and straight. He gave off a domineering and fierce vibe. His eyes stared at Tao Jiantong condescendingly. He appeared calm and aloof. His cold eyes chilly and his mellow voice low, he said in a warning tone, "She's already married, so now she's a member of the Feng family."

His meaning was obvious. She was Feng Zhuo's woman, so even though he was her father, he shouldn't even think about hurting her.

Because he, Feng Zhuo, wouldn't allow it.