We're Already Married, Part IX

Tao Yaoyao paused and then pulled at Feng Zhuo's sleeve. "I've suddenly remembered that I still have things to do. You can eat by yourself. I'll go home first."

After saying that, she turned around to leave. However, before she could take two steps, Feng Zhuo's cold voice sounded from behind her. "If you dare leave now, I will go directly and tell your father that we are only married by contract."

Tao Yaoyao turned around in horror. "What?"

In contrast to her indignant expression, Feng Zhuo looked calm and relaxed. He was looking at her gracefully with an aloof smile in his deep eyes.

Tao Yaoyao suppressed her anger and raised her finger to point at his nose. She said, "You, you, you, how can you be like this? You are too overbearing. At the time when I proposed the contractual marriage, you didn't mention anything like this. You're actually daring to threaten me. And to think...that I actually..."

Feng Zhuo said calmly, "...to think that you actually wanted to sleep with me."

Tao Yaoyao was stunned.

She glared at Feng Zhuo. The teasing in his eyes made her even more angry, and she replied, "I did want to sleep with you once upon a time. Now, even if you undressed and lay down in front of me, I wouldn't sleep with you anymore."

Feng Zhuo leaned in close to her face and continued to tease her. "Are you sure?"

"You...you!" Unable to tell lies, Tao Yaoyao pursed her lips.

She trembled with anger and glared at Feng Zhuo with wide eyes. She then changed the subject and returned to the original dispute that they had been fighting about. "Let me tell you, I will not be threatened by you."

"That's all right then. You can leave. I'll go in for a meal. I have no money to pay the bill, so I will call your father to pay the bill." With that said, Feng Zhuo turned around and walked into the restaurant.

Tao Yaoyao suppressed her anger and rushed after him...

She picked up her handbag angrily and thrust it in Feng Zhuo's face. She stomped on one of his feet. "How dare you be so arrogant, so brazen, and to threaten me! I'm going to kill you!"

This poor man who she was stepping on cried out desperately and pitifully, "Please have mercy, Queen, please have mercy, Queen, I won't ever dare do it again..."

She laughed wildly with her arms on her waist. "Ha, ha, ha, ha...now you know how intimidating I can be, don't you? You won't ever dare to threaten me again."

"I wouldn't dare."

How gratifying, ah, but it was a pity that the scene above was a fantasy.

It was a fantasy!

It was a fantasy!

It was a fantasy!

In reality, she suppressed her anger and rushed forward...and walked up to Feng Zhuo. "It's all right, I'll treat you to a meal. All right, isn't it just a meal? Do you have to call my father here?"

She would bleed money today.

Tao Yaoyao felt as if she wanted to cry, and a few tears rolled down. Feng Zhuo, you'd better restrain yourself. If you dare to choose the most expensive dishes, you'll get it tonight.

Although Feng Zhuo didn't choose the most expensive dishes, it was still expensive enough to make Tao Yaoyao's heart bleed painfully for her money.

Recently, there had been too many places to spend money. Just buying the gift today to keep up appearances had cost her thousands. If she was a little more thrifty, she could probably eat instant noodles for the next couple of weeks. After thinking about it, she decided not to order her own food and just eat the complimentary salad.

But as a foodie, she considered the fruit salad tasteless, and she also became more hungry as she ate it.

Upon watching her elegant, graceful dining companion, Tao Yaoyao ate a piece of apple angrily and chewed it loudly on purpose.

Her aggressive movements and expression caused Feng Zhuo to glance at her. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is the fruit salad delicious?"