Tsundere Husband, Part II

Tao Yaoyao had gone to the Tao family's house today to announce her marriage, and Yang Xiaoran had appeared at her home the same evening. Tao Yaoyao was almost certain that this had been Tao Zishen's doing.

But what exactly had he asked Yang Xiaoran to come here to do?

To ascertain whether or not she and Feng Zhuo were really married?

Or to destroy her and Feng Zhuo's relationship and force them to divorce?

Yang Xiaoran looked at Tao Yaoyao and smiled. "How have you been recently, Yaoyao?"

Tao Yaoyao crossed her hands in front of her chest, tilted her head, and glanced at him. She then said slowly, "Spill the beans. Why are you here with your little highness?"

Upon hearing the way she responded to him, Yang Xiaoran's facial expression became bitter. "I was kicked out of my house, so you have to take me in."

Tao Yaoyao raised her eyebrows and said unhurriedly, "My home isn't a shelter, so get out!"

"Oh, poor little highness." Yang Xiaoran glanced at his little black dog with a pitiful expression. "Your future madame is unwilling to take us in. What should we do? How pitiful we are."

Tao Yaoyao glared at him. "Get lost! Who's the madame you're talking about? If you continue to talk nonsense, I will put some lice into your mouth."

Yang Xiaoran couldn't help but shiver. "Yaoyao, you are too cruel. I was really...I was kicked out of the house by my dad, so please take me in for one night."

Tao Yaoyao immediately refused. "No!"

With an aggrieved look, Yang Xiaoran looked at Tao Yaoyao and said bitterly, "Yaoyao, we grew up together. We were childhood sweethearts. Why are you so heartless?"

Tao Yaoyao squinted at him and spat out her answer. "Go to a hotel, and stop your self-victimization. It doesn't work on me."

Yang Xiaoran sneered and then looked at Tao Yaoyao sadly. "Yaoyao, is it possible that what your brother said is really true. You're living with someone else illegally?"

Tao Yaoyao glared at him. "Yang Xiaoran, are you out of your mind? Who is living together with someone illegally?"

"No?" Obvious joy flashed across Yang Xiaoran's face. He smiled and said, "I knew it was fake news. Yaoyao, you would only live with me."

Tao Yaoyao glanced at him lazily. "I'm married, and we're living together legally, not illegally."

Yang Xiaoran was shocked at first, but then a pained expression appeared on his face. "Yaoyao, you..." Then he continued, "Impossible!"

Tao Yaoyao didn't pay him any further attention. She sat down on the sofa and played with her phone.

"Ahhh! How can you do this! I've liked you for so many years, yet you treat me like this. I no longer have the will to live. Mmmm, my life no longer has any meaning." Yang Xiaoran pretended to be hysterical. He pretended to shake as he stood up.

"No longer have the will to live?" Tao Yaoyao said with a sinister smile. "Then how do you want to die? As a friend, I can help you prepare. Do you need a rope or some poison?"

"You're so cruel." His fingers trembling, Yang Xiaoran pointed at her. "You treat your childhood sweetheart like this? Why is your heart so vicious?"

Tao Yaoyao said in a chilly voice, "That's just how I am. If you can't get used to it, you can go."

"Since you want me to go, I won't go." Yang Xiaoran snorted coldly. "I want to see who on earth he is."

Then he sat down next to her on the couch.

Tao Yaoyao felt speechless. He was extremely clingy, so she moved further away from him, but he immediately inched closer. He just had to be right next to Tao Yaoyao.

At this moment, the door was opened from the outside. Tao Yaoyao looked up and saw that Feng Zhuo was standing at the door.