Tsundere Husband Forced a Kiss upon Me, Part X

Yang Xiaoran really couldn't bear to listen to them anymore. He angrily went back to the sofa and sat down huffing and puffing.

He wanted to leave immediately, but he also felt unwilling to give up. He had liked Tao Yaoyao for so many years. Why couldn't she pay him any attention? He really was getting dumped. Yaoyao really didn't want him anymore.

Truthfully, he wanted to cry very much. However, he felt that if, as a man, he couldn't even stand such a small blow and cried so easily, he would look down on himself, not to mention Tao Yaoyao looking down on him.

Plopping down on the sofa, he covered his head with the quilt.

Squatting beside him, his poodle looked at him with a pitiful expression.


In the bedroom, Feng Zhuo was helping Tao Yaoyao by rubbing her head with his hands while saying jokingly, "Your performance was too dramatic."

Tao Yaoyao smiled. "Whether or not it was dramatic wasn't the point. The point was to get the person outside to believe in it."

She lay down on the bed and stretched. "Finally, it's quiet. I feel so sleepy. I'm going to sleep."

Feng Zhuo noticed her hair, which had become a little wet from the shower, and raised his eyebrows slightly. "If you don't blow your hair before you go to sleep, you'll get a headache."

"I didn't wash my hair so why blow my hair? I'll do it later..." As if she was very sleepy, Tao Yaoyao's eyes closed again.

"Get up." Feng Zhuo reached out and pulled her up. "If you don't dry your hair, you can't sleep."

Tao Yaoyao looked at him sulkily. "Why are you even more nagging than my father?"

Feng Zhuo raised his long, slender leg, as if to kick her out of bed. "Are you getting up or not?"

"I'll get up, I'll get up..." In desperation, Tao Yaoyao had to get up again, and then she unwillingly dried her hair with the hair dryer. She glared at Feng Zhuo from time to time.

Feng Zhuo said indifferently, "Don't act like a child. You'll be the one suffering if you get sick."

Tao Yaoyao pouted and didn't reply to him. After blowing her hair, she lay down on the bed again.

She'd appeared very calm in the beginning. When Feng Zhuo also lay down, for some reason, she became a little nervous. When she closed her eyes, it felt as if the entire world had fallen silent, and all that was left was the sound of her heartbeat.

Being in the same bed and sharing the same quilt, the two of them would inevitably have some bodily contact. Every time they touched, Tao Yaoyao felt that her heart missed a beat.

She didn't know what she was going to do, and she didn't know if she wanted Feng Zhuo to do something to her?

Next to her, Feng Zhuo had been lying quietly and motionlessly. She didn't know whether he was asleep, but Tao Yaoyao couldn't fall asleep no matter what. The longer she lay down, the more sober she became, and the more she believed Feng Zhuo's words that she had no feminine charm at all.

Otherwise, how could he not respond even when he was lying next to a soft-bodied and willing bombshell like her?

Unless, he was asexual.

Inexplicably feeling a little irritable, Tao Yaoyao tossed and turned.

She didn't know how long she had been tossing and turning when an arm grabbed her and a slender thigh pressed her down. He threatened, "If you move again, believe it or not, I will take you to the window and throw you out."

His voice was hoarse and low, and his warm breath touched her neck.

Tao Yaoyao felt a little dizzy, and she stammered, "I won't move anymore, I won't move anymore... Good night."

She had originally been in emotional turmoil and unable to fall asleep, but now that she was no longer tossing and turning, she felt very much at ease and tranquil, as if she had received some peace of mind after settling down.

"Good night." Feng Zhuo said two more words.

His voice was very low, even lower than before, but in Tao Yaoyao's ears, he sounded mysteriously seductive.