What the Sea Control Hook was used for, Zi Hu did not know, but when she came to, she had already left the Netherworld. Buzhou Mountain, towering into the clouds, was right beside her. The cold wind carried distant voices to her, barely discernible as Wuzhiqi murmuring with someone.
Zi Hu sprang up in a flash and saw two Golden-armored Gods standing not far behind her. Their posture, demeanor, and aura seemed just like the guardians of Buzhou Mountain, Divine Generals Shen Tu and Yu Lei. However, Shen Tu and Yu Lei always appeared as towering giants, while these two Golden-armored Gods... seemed only a bit larger than ordinary humans.
Wuzhiqi stood opposite them with arms crossed, grinning, tilting his head as he spoke, incomprehensible. Zi Hu darted over in a few strides and leapt onto his shoulder, her pointy nose timidly tucked behind his neck as she whispered, "Wuzhiqi... who, who are you talking to?"