The Crown Prince Is Really…

Yun Dou walked past and couldn't help but take a whiff.

The soup simply smelled too good.

She stuck her head close to the pot and asked, "What kind of soup are you making?"

Yun Dou was so self-centered. She'd made a big fuss just moments ago, and now she was acting all chummy again.

Even though Yun Dai really hated this sort of person, she had to admit that this was the type of person who succeeded in life and who would live a very rich and exciting life.

She opened the lid of the pot and seemed as if she was goading Yun Dou into trying it, "It's a nutritious soup with extra Cordyceps. Would you like to try some?"

Yun Dou immediately shook her head and scoffed at her. "Don't you dare try to get me into trouble."

"I was just trying to be nice." Yun Dai put the lid back on.

Yun Dou took the chance to take in two very deep breaths, as if sniffing the smell was the same as actually drinking the soup.

"No matter how good that soup is, it's not as good as my black chicken and ginseng soup." After Yun Dou had finished sniffing the soup, she left Yun Dai with a mean comment.

Yun Dai really couldn't be bothered about her.

After she had finished preparing the food for that jerk, she started preparing the food for Filial Lady Guo of Excellence and Lady Lin of Decorous Service.

Filial Lady Guo of Excellence might as well have been invisible within the East Palace. Her family background wasn't very impressive, she wasn't very pretty, and she didn't have any royals supporting her in the palace.

As a result, she remained the quietest among the ladies and barely seemed to exist.

She rarely made any demands about her food. She just ate whatever the kitchen served her.

Yun Dai took her job very seriously however so she made a few excellent dishes for Filial Lady Guo of Excellence.

As for Lady Lin of Decorous Service's food…

She had no choice but to make a basin of pig intestines again.

She would have to prepare this dish every day from now on.

That douchebag Crown Prince was really sick in the head. Lady Lin of Decorous Service was one of his women after all. Even if she had really drugged him, wasn't it merely because she was trying to get pregnant with his child?

And now, he'd actually turned around and punished her by making her eat pig intestines every single day.

That was such a vicious thing to do.

As she cleaned and processed the pig intestines, Yun Dai told herself that if she ever wanted to do anything naughty, she had to be sure to do it secretly. She must never get into a fight head-on with that douchebag Crown Prince.

In order to allow Lady Lin of Decorous Service to suffer a little less while eating, Yun Dai specially prepared the pig intestines in two different ways. One was braised and the other was steamed. She also added a soup that included some pig stomach and lungs as well.

After everything had been prepared, and the food for the other royals had been collected by the palace maids, Yun Dai filled up the food tray with the two dishes and the soup and carried everything to Cloud Light Court.

Cloud Light Court had probably gotten the news too.

The whole place seemed a little gloomy and tragic.

When Yun Dai walked in with the tray of food, the maids assigned to this court didn't even dare to look at the tray in her hands.

Lady Lin of Decorous Service was sitting at the dining table. Her expression darkened when she saw Yun Dai walk in.

"What do you have there?" she asked while emphasizing every single syllable.

"I have prepared this specially for Lady Lin according to His Highness's instructions." Yun Dai uncovered the tray and placed the two dishes and soup on the table.

Lady Lin of Decorous Service looked carefully at the food and nearly fainted on the spot.

It was really pig intestines!

Both plates were filled with pig intestines.

They were even in the soup.

"Get out!" shrieked Lady Lin of Decorous Service. Her beautiful face was twisted from anger as she pointed at Yun Dai and screamed, "Take these things and get out now!"

All the maids who were nearby got a fright.

Yun Dai remained standing where she was without moving at all. She said calmly, "His Highness said that I must watch Lady Lin finish eating. He said that you must not leave any piece behind."

She was doing this on purpose. She had purposely prepared a big serving of pig intestines.

If this woman hadn't gone mad and splashed tea in her face, she wouldn't be in such an awkward situation now.

Yun Dai's head was lowered as her lips curled upwards slightly.

Lady Lin of Decorous Service shrieked, "I'm not eating it! I'm not eating a single piece!"

Yun Dai remained where she was standing as if she was a rock.

This had been a command from Zhao Yuanjing. If Lady Lin of Decorous Service didn't eat the food, then she wasn't leaving.

One of the maids quietly tried to persuade her, "My Lady, I think…you should eat it. You have already made His Highness very unhappy yesterday. If this matter reaches his ears…then I'm afraid he might never set foot in Cloud Light Court again. Have you forgotten what happened this morning?"

Lin Yueniang bit her lips fiercely.