Chapter 11.5 - Alexei and Amir's Backstory

"He's the most prettiest thing! You should go have a look!"

"Are you talking about the boy with the bun in his hair because he is pretty cute."

"Yes! That's him!"

Tuning out the noise, a 15-year old Alexei La'rine scans his English textbook, slightly jumping as a lunch tray drops in front of him.

Looking up, he comes face to face with a tan-skinned boy with brown eyes covered by round tinted glasses and jet black hair placed in a small bun. A smile forms across his face and he laughs.

"Oooh! Sorry 'bout that, I didn't mean to disturb you."

"It's fine, uh...

"Amir. Amir Kansaye. Today's my first day here." the young teen says, taking a seat.

Alexei nods.

"Oh, so you're the new boy with the bun in his hair that everyone keeps chatting about."

Amir smiles.

"Really? Didn't know I'd become that popular. Anyway, what do they call you?"

"I'm Alexei La'rine."

"Alexei?" Amir says, a confused look on his face.

"It's a name commonly found in Russia. That's where my mother is originally from."

"Oh. That's cool. Sorry, it's just that you don't look much like an Alexei. But why're you sitting all alone?"

"I always do. I just prefer peace and quiet, that's all."

"Peace and quiet is nice but don't you have some friends to kick it with?"

"Does my little sister count?"

"How old is she? 12?" Amir asks in a sarcastic tone.

"No, she's one."


The tanned-skinned boy laughs and shakes his head.

"Well, looks like we got some work to do. Today after school, me and you, we're gonna go for a drive around the whole city!"

"My driver usually picks me up immediately after school ends." Alexei replies, closing his textbook.

"Then call him and say you won't need his services for today."

"Uh, okay."

Picking up a french fry, Amir points to Alexei's English book.

"English your favorite subject?"

"No, I just moved here from France during the summer. I still have some words I'd like to improve on."

"I thought you said you were from Russia."

The brown-skinned teen shakes his head.

"I said my mother was from Russia. My father is from France. They both met working at the same company located in France. My father's company expanded and he was sent here to Claiza City to work."

"Damn, what does he do?"

"He's the co-CEO of an airline company." Alexei replies with a small sigh. "Honestly, I don't even know why I'm telling you all of this."

Amir chuckles, taking a sip of his soda.

"'Cause it's clear you want someone to talk to, bozo!" he replies, throwing a fry at him.

The bell rings and the two boys stand up, throwing their leftovers in the trash.

"What class you got next?" Amir cheerfully asks, grabbing his backpack.

"Math." Alexei bluntly replies.

"Is Ms. Norham the teacher?"


"Then we have the same class! You can sit next to me 'cause I'll need a lotta help catching up."

Alexei lets out a small chuckle.

"I find it funny how the new boy is the one inviting me to sit next to him."

Amir chuckles.

"Well, it seems as if you're the only one who's actually willing to talk to me instead of asking for my number!"

--- 3:42 P.M. ---

The final bell rings, dozens of kids running out of the school building.

Closing his locker shut, Amir leans against it, tossing his car keys in the air.

"Any place you'd recommend we check out first? I just got here Saturday, so I still don't know my way around."

"Then why are we going for a drive if you're bound to get lost?" Alexei asks, shaking his head.

"'Cause you ain't gotta life outside of school and we need to fix that!"

Pushing himself off of the locker, Amir walks to the exit, Alexei following behind him.

"I never said I didn't have a life outside of school, though."

Amir chuckles, crossing his arms.

"You're deadass hanging out with a baby! You need a life! Something fun to lean back on when you're feeling bored!"

The two walk to the school's parking lot, Amir unlocking his car.

"Well, we can go to the library. It's a-

"Alexei." Amir interrupts with a disappointed tone in his voice.

"I already told you I don't go out much." Alexei says, shrugging. "Besides, my little sister is probably waiting for me as we speak. She's always so happy when I come home, I don't want to let her down."

Amir sighs, before smiling widely.

"I know! How about we take the lil' girl out with us?"

Alexei gives him an "are you serious" look.

"My parents would kill me before I could even ask them that."

"Then I'll ask them for you. Now, where's the directions to your place?"

Staring out of the window as Amir sped down the street, the young boy contemplates why he'd even agree to ride around with his new acquaintance.

"Damn, your place is nice!"

Pulling into the driveway, Amir parks his car and steps out, followed by Alexei who unlocks the front door.

"My parents prefer that we take our shoes off at the front door. They don't want dirt on the carpet."

"Really? My folks are the same way."

After taking their shoes off, the two boys walk inside, a small girl happily crawling over to them.


Alexei smiles, picking his younger sister up.

"Hello, fairy plum. What'd you do while I was away?"

She giggles, grabbing at her older brother's nose.

"Not much, hmm? Anyway, I have someone I'd like you to meet."

The two turn to Amir and she smiles a somewhat toothless smile.

"Hi, lil' one. What's your name?"

The small girl giggles again, shyly hiding her face in the crook of her brother's neck.

"Her name is Khristina-Bella, but everyone calls her Khristina or Khrissy for short."

Amir smiles, gently pinching Khristina's cheek.

"Pleasure meeting you, Khrissy. My name's Amir. I hope we can become friends."

Turning back to Amir, Khristina grabs at him and Alexei chuckles.

"That's her way of saying she wants to get to know you."

With a smile, Amir pats the small girl's head.

"You wanna go to the amusement park? We can go play games and I'll even get you a stuffed animal."

"Amumet Pak! Yay!" Khristina says with a laugh.

"A'ight. Let's go convince your folks, first."

The two boys walk into the kitchen where Alexei's mother stood.

"Oh good, now that your older brother is-

The older woman turns to her right and smiles.

"Well, who do we have here?"

"Mama, this is Amir Kansaye. He just moved here Saturday and wanted to know if I could show him around town."

"Of course, babyboy." she replies, pinching her son's cheek. "I'll just have Dréy watch Khristina while-

"Oh, we were wondering if Khristina could come along too." Alexei interrupts.

Amir nods.

"I promise I'll make sure to keep a close eye on both of your children, Mrs. La'rine. I might end up being their stepfather one day."

The woman raises a brow and Alexei slowly turns to Amir, who smirks.

"Alright then. I don't exactly speak the language teens these days are using but yes, you three can all go for your afternoon out."

Khristina claps her small hands together and giggles.

"Now, make sure you take Khristina's carriage and her baby bag along with you and please have her home by 8."

"We will, mama." Alexei replies, quickly grabbing Khristina's things.

The three walk out of the house and back to Amir's car.

"So what time do you usually eat dinner?" Amir asks, backing out of the driveway.

"The same time Khristina has to be home by."

"Do you think your folks would mind if I stayed?"

"No. They're pretty nice to any guests we have over." Alexei replies.

"Good. Your mother is pretty as hell so I'd like to get to know her some more. You can expect me to come over at least twice a week."

"She's already married. Besides, can we switch the conversation? This one is a bit weird."

"So then what you wanna to talk about? The weather? The cars on the road? Wait, we can actually put some music on."

Taking out his phone, Amir opens his music application, tapping on a random song.

He turns the volume up to the highest setting, Alexei shaking his head.

"You're just like my older brother. Your glasses even remind me of him, too."

Amir smiles.

"You know what they say; great minds think alike."

Pulling into the amusement park's entrance, the young teen drives around to the valet parking.

He steps out, handing the valet his keys as Alexei picks up his little sister, putting her in her baby carriage.

"So what should we check out first?" Amir asks, stretching his arms.

"Stuffy! Stuffy!" Khristina replies, kicking her little feet in the air.

Amir chuckles and nods.

"A'ight. We'll get you a stuffy."

The three head over to a booth covered with large stuffed animals.

"Step right up! Five throws for the cheap price of $2!"

Amir puts his money on the counter and the man behind the booth hands him five bean bags.

"Give it all you've got, kid!"

He throws a bean bag, which comes close to the target but fails to reach it.

"Let me try that again."

Amir throws another one which ended up having the same result as the first.

"What? Well, third time's a charm."

Throwing a third bean bag, he shakes his head in disappointment.

"Okay, lucky four then!"

Tossing it, the teen sighs.

"Maybe number five will-

"Here, I got it."

Amir turns to Alexei and shrugs, handing him the last beanbag.

"Go for it."

Alexei quickly throws the beanbag right at the target, hitting it with a loud bang.

Both Amir and the man behind the booth give him a surprised look before Khristina breaks the awkward silence with a giggle.

"Well, uh, congratulations! Choose a stuffed animal of your choice!" the man replies, snapping back into reality.

"Okay Khristina, point to the one you want." Alexei says, holding the small girl up.

She points to a stuffed hedgehog and laughs.

"The hedgehog, please."

The man nods, taking the large stuffed animal down and handing it to him.

"Here you are! Have a wonderful afternoon!"

Alexei gives the plushie to Amir to carry and the three continue to stroll around the amusement park.

"How'd you hit that?" Amir asks, walking backwards.

"You just have to align the beanbag with the target."

"That's what I did but it obviously ain't work!"

Alexei shrugs.

"I guess you should just focus on your hand and eye coordination."

"I did that too! Maybe you're just better at hitting targets than me."

"I wouldn't say I'm better than anyone." Alexei replies. "Anyway, I think Khristina wants some of the cotton candy."