Chapter 16

"Can you help me with the bow on my dress?"

Kazimir looks up and nods, tying the bow on the back of Khristina's dress.

"Will they have dessert there?" Khristina asks, rocking back and forth.

"I'm sure they will." Kazimir responds, combing the little girl's hair. "Would you like your hair in two buns as usual?"

"Yeah and make sure you put the big pink bow in the middle!"

After fixing the girl's hair, he takes her over to a mirror and she smiles from ear to ear.

"I look like a princess, Mr. Kazimir! Don't I?!"

He nods.

"Yes, a lovely princess ready for her night out at the ball."

"Except the ball is a boring dinner that I have to be quiet through." Khristina adds with a sigh.

Kazimir chuckles.

"Hey, maybe something interesting will happen, you never know."

She smiles.

"I hope so!"

The two walk out of the apartment door and to the car, Kazimir buckling Khristina in her car seat.

He closes the door, walking to the driver's side and starts the car.

"How long until we get there?"

"It's only thirty minutes away. We'll be there shortly." the young detective replies, pulling out of the apartment complex parking lot.

"But that's too long, Mr. Kazimir! You should speed like Dréy does! We get everywhere in like five minutes!"

Looking at the clock on the car's dashboard, Kazimir nods.

"You're probably right. This traffic doesn't seem to be letting up anytime soon."

Switching to another lane, Kazimir presses on the gas, flying through multiple yellow lights, before pressing on the brake.

He turns into the police station and parks, helping Khristina get out her car seat.

"Are they going to have cheeseburgers, Mr. Kazimir?" she asks, as the young man picks her up, locking the car door.

"I don't really know."

The two walk in and Kazimir gives the greeter his name.

"A Special Forces detective? You look kinda young, son." the man says, marking Kazimir's name down.

"You have a bald spot in the middle of your hair, so leave Mr. Kazimir alone!" Khristina replies, pointing at the top of the older man's head.

The man's brows furrow and he puts on a beanie.

"You're both at table 12."

Kazimir nods and he quickly walks forward.

"Khristina, I thank you for sticking up for me, but let's be a bit kinder in future events, okay?"

She smiles as the man hands her an empty styrofoam take-out box.

"Okay, but I won't make any promises!"

The young man nods and points down at the food.

"Cheeseburgers!" the small girl happily yells.

The two put together their tray of food before sitting down at the table they were assigned to.

"Look, Mr. Kazimir!"

The young man looks down at Khristina's tray, raising a brow in concern.

"Khristina, all you have on your tray is desserts."

"No, my cheeseburger is right here, too!"

"And her fries are on the side as well!"

The two look up and Khristina smiles, Kazimir letting out a small groan.

"Hello, Mr. Pierre! Look at my dress, isn't it elegant?!"

"It sure is." he replies, sitting down.

Pierre takes a bite of his lasagna and makes a disgusted face.

"Shit tastes like dishwater."

Kazimir stands up, picking up his cup.

"I'll be back. I'm going to get more fruit punch."

"Can you refill my cup too?!" Khristina asks, holding it out to him.

The young man nods, taking the small girl's cup.

He walks over to the punch bowl, scooping up some of the juice with the saucer and pouring some in.

After filling his and Khristina's cup, he reaches into his pocket, slipping a small bag of fentanyl mixed with sugar underneath the cups, turning the bag over, careful not to get any on his hands.

Quickly pouring it in, Kazimir stirs the saucer a few times, before looking down at the punch.

Putting the bag back into his pocket he goes back to the table, handing Khristina her cup.


"Thank you, Mr. Kazimir!"

Alexei La'rine watches from afar, smiling as his little sister happily sips her drink.

He looks around the room, his eyes once again focused on the man he was currently after.

"Hi there!"

The young man looks up and lifts his fake police hat from over his eyes, coming face to face with an old woman.

"I've been on this force for over forty years and never seen you before!"

Alexei softly chuckles.

"Well, I am quite new here."

The woman nods, going to pull out a chair.

"Please, let me get that for you."

The law student stands up, pulling the chair out for the older woman and she smiles, sitting down.

"Well aren't you a gentleman? I'm happy there's some of you still out there. It seems as if chivalry doesn't exist anymore." she says with a sad sigh, putting her purse on the table. "What's your name, kid?"

"Alex." he quietly replies, sitting back down.

"Alex? Well Alex, you look quite young. As a matter of fact, I think being a model suits you best instead of working this draining job. Your facial features are extremely handsome and you seem to be of the perfect height."

Alexei softly smiles.

"I've received that a lot since I've joined, thank you for the compliments. However, if it isn't too much of a bother, would you mind telling me about some of the different personalities I'd be working with? I'd like to try and get along with everyone as best as I can."

The woman happily clasps her hands together.

"Of course! I'll start with Mr. Goldfin!"

Tuning out every word she said, the law student didn't snap back into reality until she reached the man he hated the most.

The one who had the audacity to laugh over his best friend's body.

The one that killed Amir.

"And over there is Ian Felker! He's a young, sarcastic man yet very nice and well-mannered. He doesn't live far from here; his house is actually located on the street with that strange looking tree. Redwood Street, they named it after the tree!"

Alexei nods.

"He looks like a dashing man. He must drive a beautiful car."

The woman shakes her head, sipping some of her water.

"Oh no, nothing close! It's just an old blue pickup truck with some newfangled wheels. I believe he's just dressed like that for the occasion."

"I see." the young man replies, followed by a fake yawn. "Oh, please excuse me, I'm a bit tired."

The woman chuckles.

"Well, it won't be getting any sunnier outside. You should go home and rest before it gets too dark to see anything on the road."

Alexei smiles, standing up and shaking the old woman's hand.

"I thank you for keeping me company, love. I've been assigned to traffic duty so it may be a while before I can get to talk to you again."

The older woman blushes.

"Ah, I work inside most of the time, so I doubt we will. Stay safe though, dear!"

He nods, before walking out of the dimly lit room.


"Mr. Kazimir, can I play the explody boom game on your phone?"

He turns to the small girl, who was currently twisting around in her seat.

"I guess it'll keep you still."

Kazimir hands the girl his phone and she smiles.

"Thank you!"

All of a sudden, a loud scream fills the air and the three turn around in their seats.

"Man, shut up! I'm trying to eat my cupcake in peace!" Pierre yells, taking a bite out of it.

"SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE QUICK!" a voice yells from the other side of the room.

Kazimir watches as a woman dials for help, before turning to see a man walk up to his table.

"I'm sorry, but we're going to need for everyone to leave the premises immediately."

The three stand up, Kazimir closing Khristina's tray for her.

"What's going on?" I may not work for this department but I can still help with anything if needed."

The man shakes his head.

"Thank you but the best thing everyone can do right now is head home immediately. We suspect there's been a poisoning in one of the food items as multiple of our officers have fallen ill."

The young detective nods, picking up Khristina.

The three walk out the door, people crowded around, talking and crying.

"Mr. Kazimir, what's happening?" Khristina asks, yawning.

"Some of the people at the dinner passed out. I think they were overheated."

The small girl nods, closing her eyes to go to sleep.

Pierre loudly groans, unlocking his car door.

"Great, another useless case for my team to pick up! I swear, that station should just develop their own investigation because we ain't got the time to keep taking on shit that they brought upon themselves."

He gets into his car and starts it, rolling the window down.

"I got a question for you, Kazimir."

Kazimir walks over to Pierre's car.

"What is it?"

"What's that white stuff you put in the fruit punch?"