Chapter 18

Adjusting his binoculars, Alexei looks over at his target unlocking his vehicle.

"It's 11:30 A.M. He's late for work. Not a very good look for an actual police officer."

He watches as the blue truck backed out of the small driveway and immediately sped down the road.

Quickly putting the binoculars down, the young law student follows him, switching on the red and blue lights.

The two automobiles slow down and pull over to the side of the road, Alexei reaching over into the passenger seat.

He picks up a small time bomb, which wasn't large enough to kill a human, and starts the timer.

Stepping out of the car, he quickly walks over and drops it in the back of the truck; within the next ten minutes, the blue truck would be no more.


Rolling his window down, the man glares up at Alexei.

"Can you-

"License and registration."

He watches as the man named Ian rolls his eyes and hands him the two items, before raising a brow.

"Hey, where's your name tag? I just received word that all law enforcement officials in Claiza City has to have a name tag and wear it at all times during work hours."

Alexei looks up from the scanning the two documents, adjusting his sunglasses.

"I'm from the next city over. Didn't you get the message, Ian? Claiza City requested for extra help because it seems they're too weak to actually do much of anything on their own."

The law student walks over to the police car and enters, taking out his phone to snap a few pictures of the man's license.

Getting back out, he walks back over to the blue truck, handing Ian his documents back.

"Do you have any other source of identification? It seems as if the license scanner is down on my end and I don't really feel like taking this down to your local police station to complete."

Not wanting to be any more late for work, the older male sighs and opens his wallet, taking out another card.

"There's my Claiza City Identification Number Card."

"That should be fine."

The young law student takes it, walking back over to the police car and snapping a few pictures.

Walking back over to the truck, Alexei hands the card back to the man.

"Since you seem to be in a hurry, I'm going to let you off with a warning."

Ian laughs and shakes his head, putting the card back in his wallet.

"Out of all the times I've been pulled over, you've got to be the most bipolar officer I've ever come across."

He looks back up at Alexei, who stared down at him with an annoyed expression plastered across his face.

"Well, uh, I'll be off now. Thanks again, man!"

Alexei watches as the blue truck drove off, before heading back to the car and checking his watch.

"Three minutes left."

He starts the car, following the small truck from a far distance.

And then...


A large cloud of smoke and fire rises into the air, quickly engulfing the blue truck.

The young law student watches as the man slowly crawls out, dragging himself into the middle of the street.

He steps out the police car, and runs over towards the young police officer, who happily smiled.

"Oh! Thank goodness-


Putting the baton down to his side, Alexei smiles and watches as the man falls onto the ground unconscious.

"Well, this is going to be quite fun."


"Fuck, why the hell is my head hurting so badly?"

Slowly opening his eyes, Ian's vision blurs for a bit before going back to normal.

He looks around, a confused look quickly forming across his face.

"What in the world? Where the hell am I?!"

The man attempts to get up, falling back down on the ground.

Ian looks down at his hands and feet, his eyes widening, noticing the chains that held them in securely.

Suddenly, a burning sensation creeps upon the man's sleeve and he screams, a bucket of water being thrown on him.

Turning to his right, Ian frowns as the familiar man steps on the match, putting out the small smoke.

Alexei then takes off the police hat and sunglasses, Ian's eyes widening.

"H-H-Hey! You're that bastard who made me trip and spill my coffee!"

"If I were you, I'd watch how I speak to the person who's deciding my fate." Alexei says, slapping the man's face.

He walks over to a small coffee table and picks up his laptop.

"Well what exactly do you want from me?" the police officer asks, his brows furrowing.

"I want you gone, that's what I want."

The older man's eyes widen as the young law student opens his laptop.

"What the hell is your name, anyway?!"

"Alexei. Alexei La'rine."

"You're that law student that went viral for-


Startled, Ian immediately stops talking and holds his head down as Alexei walks over to him, showing the chained male the laptop screen.

"Look at the screen."

The older male continues to hang his head down, receiving a punch to the temple in return.

"It won't look good for you if I have to repeat myself."

The man slowly lifts his head up, his eyes widening.

"Those are my parents—you fucking bastard!"

He lunges forward at Alexei, who kicks him in the stomach.

"Stay still. No use in fighting anyway, I've already ordered a hit on them."

The man's brows furrow as the young law student clicks on another tab.

"Do you recognize this?"

Showing him the screen, Alexei watches as Ian's eyes scan the screen, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Why're you shaking your head, Ian? You thought you could play me like a fiddle, hmm?"

"Why the fuck is my personal information uploaded on a damn auctioning website?!"

The young law student smiles.

"There are thousands of people out there who desperately long for a new identity. So since you won't be here any longer, I've decided to sell yours as well as your parents."

A notification pops up and the young man quickly turns the laptop back to him, nodding.

"Ah, it seems as if all three of your identities have been sold for the wonderful price of $3 million. Don't worry, it won't go to waste. I made sure the buyer knew that if his money wasn't legit, he'd be next."

Ian chuckles and sighs.

"A law student playing dirty? As soon as I get out of here, I'm gonna make sure to tell the world what you're really about and make your life a living hell."

Alexei steps to the side, placing his arms out next to him.

"Escape how? Look out the window; we're deep underwater, you ignorant piece of shit. Yes, you can try and swim your way up, but I promise you won't get far."

The chained man groans.

"You must really like hearing yourself speak with that damn Russian accent of yours; I bet you can't fight. That's why you have me chained up because we both know you can't fight!"

"I have you chained up because you'd already have been dead by now if I didn't." Alexei replies, rolling up his sleeves. "Now, if you wish to fight, then we can do so."

The police officer's eyes widen and he smiles.

"Yep, I'll fight you. And once I win, you'll free me and I get to tell everyone about your dirty little scheme."

The law student nods.

"Fair enough. However, if I win, you're to tell me everything you know about the group called Merderaé."

He watches as the older man's eyes slightly widen in surprise before returning back to normal.

"Sure." Ian bluntly replies.

"Well then, I'll let you gather your strength first. Is there anything specific you'd like for dinner?"

The chained male shakes his head.

"I don't need food. I'm already strong enough just unchain me right now."

Alexei sighs, handing the man a warm plate of steak and potatoes.

"You've been unconscious for two days. Here, eat up. I want to take you on at full strength, otherwise it wouldn't be much of a fair fight for me."

Groaning, Ian takes the plate, quickly eating the food.

"Look, I'm finished! Hurry and unlock these chains."

The young man walks over, a key in his hand.

"Are you sure you don't want to rest any longer?"

"You dumbass, I'm a fucking police officer! I've been trained through thick and thin, of course I can take a weak idiot like you on!"

Unlocking the chains, Alexei steps back and watches as the man cracks his knuckles.

"How old are you?" Ian asks, warming up his feet.

"I just turned 20 last month." Alexei replies, putting the key on the small coffee table.

"It's always you so-called "matured" kids that think staying calm makes you look as if you'd win. I might be seven years your senior, but you're not winning this one, buddy."

The young law student nods.

"If you say-

Cut off by one of Ian's punches, Alexei quickly leans back and extends his left leg, kicking the man in the stomach.

Ian stumbles back, keeping his composure as his feet slid across the floor.

"I bet you thought you had me, didn't you?!"

He runs forward, swinging at the younger male who quickly ducks and gives the police officer an uppercut.

"My patience is running out Ian. Hurry up and strike me already."

The older man groans and lunges forward, before being stopped by another kick to the stomach.

Grabbing the officer's shirt, Alexei throws him into a wall, walking over and kicking the man repeatedly in the face.

"Get up." he says, glaring down at the injured male.

Ian's brows furrow as he stands up, throwing another punch towards the young man, before receiving one to the side of his own face.

The weakened male falls face down onto the floor as Alexei turns him over with his foot.

Ian's head was now covered in blood, as well as his hands and arms.

"I thought I told you to regain strength first."

"You dumb shit, that was my-

Punching the man in the jaw, Alexei sighs and watches as the officer's eyes begin to water.

"Well, now that you've performed your sorry excuse for a fight, tell me everything you know about Merderaé."

Ian turns to him, bloody tears now streaming down his face.

"Why're you-

Punching the man again, Alexei stands up and walks over to a small desk, opening a drawer and pulling out his gun.

Putting it in his coat, he walks over to where two sets of scuba tanks and oxygen gear sat, firmly adjusting one on the critically injured police officer.

After putting his own on, he grabs the police officer by his shirt and walks over to the yacht's large window, opening it.

"Well Ian, today's your lucky day. You get to swim with the piranhas."