Chapter 20

Kazimir raises a brow.

"Come again?"

Alexei nods and the two begin to walk around the park's small duck pond.

"You see, Mr. Cizetto. It isn't hard to put two and two together. After dropping you off at the police station that night, I found it a bit odd how you forgot something there when that isn't even where you work. I remembered when you told me you joined the Special Forces Department as a way to get revenge for your late sister, so I looked up your records and they stated you've been there since July of last year. After that, I browsed through a couple of old newspapers online that were published before July of last year and couldn't find anything else that reported of multiple deaths of so many law enforcement officials."

He turns to the young detective, who was currently looking forward.

"I believe you joined the Special Forces Department in order to stay out of the heat that the police department is currently in."

Kazimir chuckles and slowly nods.

"Well, Alexei. You're aiming for the right career field."

The young detective then turns to him, his eyes letting off a dark aura.

"Yes, that's me. I'm the Claiza City Police Department killer."

Alexei smiles and nods.

"I see. Well, you should be careful with who you tell your story to. Not a lot of people would keep that a secret, you know."

"You're not telling anyone?" Kazimir asks.

The two men stop in front of the pond, looking at the ducks that slowly swam around.

"As someone who has been constantly let down by that department, I really can't find a problem in what you're doing." Alexei replies, watching as a baby duck swam over to its mother. "Even if I hadn't been failed by them, I still wouldn't have found a problem with what you're doing. Your sister is considered a case of injustice and we as the citizens of Claiza City have to stand against that. It's our job to get revenge on this corrupted city and if they don't want us to get it the polite way then we'll just have to unleash hell on this place."

Kazimir smiles.

"I agree, thank you. Actually, I'm going to be meeting up with a co-worker around 10 P.M. tonight before heading over to the police department to pick up some items for DNA scanning. Should I give you a call to meet me there?"

"Yes, that'll be fine. I'd like to handle that police chief bastard before I leave for school Sunday." Alexei replies, with a nod.

The two men walk back over to the bench and Khristina runs over to Kazimir, a big smile forming across her face.

"Guess what?! I scored eight baskets!"

Kazimir softly chuckles and gives her a round of applause.

"Eight baskets? That's quite a lot, Khristina."

The little girl smiles a toothy smile and turns to her brother.

"Since I scored a lot, can we go get ice cream?"

Alexei nods, patting her shoulder.

"Alright, Khristina. We can go for ice cream."

She cheers in happiness and waves goodbye to the rest of her friends, running over to Alexei's car.

"Do you mind watching Khristina from now until 10 P.M.? Pierre is holding a celebration party for me quitting school. He said it was safe for Khristina to come along, but I don't really trust it." Kazimir says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I don't mind." Alexei replies.

The young law student unlocks his car and Khristina quickly gets in, turning around in her seat.

"Can Mr. Kazimir come along too?!" Khristina asks, as her older brother starts the car.

Kazimir chuckles and shakes his head.

"Khristina, I wish I could but I can't. I'm really busy this evening, so please, have fun for me."

He watches as the girl's frown turns into a big smile.

"I will, Mr. Kazimir! And I'll even get you an apple pie slice too! Bye bye!"

Kazimir waves as the car drives away and checks his phone.

He sighs, putting the small device back into his pocket.

"Good. Two more hours until the party. This should give me enough time to finish documenting details about new DNA."

--- 8:25 P.M. ---

Loud music blasted from the back of the house as the young detective knocks on his co-worker's front door.

He waits for about three minutes before knocking again.

The door opens and Kazimir comes face to face with Pierre who was currently eating a chicken leg.


He laughs and grabs Kazimir's arm.

"Remember the out-of-town girl I was telling you about? She's here, I'll take you to see her."

Pierre drags him out back to his pool, where dozens of women were.

"I thought you said you didn't know a lot of people." Kazimir says, waving back at a woman who waved at him.

The older detective lets out a loud groan, throwing his chicken leg in the trash.

"I didn't back then."

"That was a month ago, Pierre."

Pierre rolls his eyes.

"So what? I work a job where I meet new people everyday. Anyway, here she is!"

Kazimir watches as his co-worker makes his way over to a girl with long, dark hair who was currently filming a video of herself.

She puts a hand on the back of Pierre's head as he leans down and snaps a selfie.

"I got someone I want you to meet." Pierre says, pointing to Kazimir.

The girl turns to Kazimir and smiles.

"Kazimir, Aria. Aria, Kazimir." the dark-haired male introduces.

"Nice to meet you, Kazimir." Aria says, putting her phone down.

Kazimir nods, shaking her hand.

"Pleasure to meet you as well, Aria."

Rubbing his hands together, Pierre chuckles.

"You two get to know each other a bit while I go find Dréy."

Feeling a bit awkward, Kazimir watches as Aria gives Pierre a kiss before he walks off.

"He's so fucking cute." she says, turning to Kazimir. "But he doesn't know how to stay committed to one girl, unfortunately."

"Then why're you still hanging around him?" the young detective asks, taking a seat at the table.

"We just have a sexual relationship. Sometimes, I use him for money as well because since he's taking something of mine, I might as well take something of his." Aria replies.

"Fair enough." Kazimir says, shrugging.


The two look up to see a girl with brown skin and box braids styled into two ponytails walking over to them.

"Naydine!" Aria happily replies jumping up from her seat.

She runs over to hug her best friend and the two walk back over to Kazimir.

"Naydine, this is Kazimir. He's one of Pierre's friends."

Kazimir shakes his head in denial.

"I wouldn't call it friends. Just co-workers."

The two women giggle and sit down at the small table.

"So are you single, Kazimir?" Aria asks, taking a sip of her lemonade.

He nods and Aria turns to her friend.

"Naydine's single too!"


Naydine turns to Kazimir and smiles.

"Aria's right, I'm not seeing anyone but I do have a thing for Dréy. He's just so down to earth!"

"And a playboy, too." Aria adds, rolling her eyes.

Naydine frowns.

"Shut up, Aria." she replies, as her friend giggles.

Standing up, Aria grabs her phone.

"I'm going to the restroom, I'll be back."

She walks off and Naydine turns to Kazimir.

"Camille's death has taken quite a toll on you."

Putting his glass of water down, Kazimir shrugs.

"Can we switch the conversation, please?"

Naydine nods.

"Well, how have you been? We haven't seen each other since sixth grade."

"Listen, I'm sorry for being a bastard towards you. I've just been dealing with a lot lately." Kazimir replies. "And like you said, Camille's death hasn't made my life any better."

He looks up at the dark sky, the moon peeking from over the clouds.

"The moon reminds me of you. Couldn't even say a word to anyone. Not even the teacher."

Naydine playfully hits his hand and Kazimir chuckles.

"So, how do you know the La'rines?" the young man asks, leaning back in his chair.

"We, Dréy and I, met over social media. He commented heart eye emojis on one of my posts and it feels as if I've been the one chasing him ever since." Naydine replies. "What about you? How'd you meet them?"

Kazimir looks up from looking down at his shoes.

"Well, long story short, I attended their parents funeral, Khristina didn't want to go back with Alexei, and now I'm currently taking care of her."

Naydine smiles, her eyes growing wide in excitement.

"Awwwww, that's so sweet! I've only gotten to see her once but she's the most angelic thing in the world!"

"For the most part. Before you left during the summer of seventh grade, you said your mother was pregnant with twins." Kazimir says.

Naydine nods.

"Yep! Layla and Kale are their names! I believe they're in Khristina's class."

The young detective nods.

"Yes, Kale is supposed to take Khristina out for pizza tomorrow. We should go too."

Naydine smiles, clasping her hands together.

"And invite Liyusk! How's he been doing?"

"Good." Kazimir quickly replies.

Naydine gives him an "are you serious" look.


He sighs and sits up in his seat.

"Okay, we got into a little argument."

Naydine raises a brow.

"Since when? You two were inseparable."

"It happened Monday." Kazimir replies.

Naydine smiles, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Well, it can't be that serious! You two are best friends! Call him and tell him that he should come along for pizza with us!"

Kazimir shakes his head.

"No, Naydine. It's pretty serious to him."

"Then tell me what went down so I can call him and negotiate." she says, taking a sip of her soda.

"He's mad at me for quitting school and joining the Special Forces Department."

Naydine's eyes widen and she quickly puts the beverage down.

"You what?!"

"You heard me." Kazimir replies with a groan.

"I mean, Kazimir, really? That job is costing a lot of employees their lives lately and you're telling me that you quit school to join them?"

The young detective looks down at his shoes.

"I only joined to help the city become less corrupt. I want to help people. I don't know, maybe I'm expecting Camille to come back to life when I've met certain achievements."

Naydine tilts her head in confusion as Aria walks back over, waving her hand over towards Naydine and Kazimir.

"Pierre told me to come and get you both! According to him, the party has officially begun!"