Chapter 44

Crickets chirp as a cool wind gust blows across the silent air.

Pointing up, Mihajl gazes up at the night sky.

"My, would you look at that; a shooting star. Let's make a wish."

"Alright." Nia says, closing her eyes.

The two each mutter something before opening their eyes.

"What did you wish for?" Mihajl asks.

"If I tell you, it won't come true!" Nia replies, giggling.


Nia and Mihajl turn as Kazimir slides the balcony's door to a close.

"Nia, I'm sorry, but I won't be able to follow you to Forest's place. I'll even have to leave in a few minutes, I have an emergency I need to get to."

Nia nods.

"It's okay, Kazimir. I understand, perfectly."

"I can take your spot, Detective Cizetto."

Nia and Kazimir turn to Mihajl.

"Yes, I don't mind. Someone has to make sure Ms. Nia is safe, no?"

"I didn't even think about asking you." Kazimir says, sighing.

"Ms. Nia, is it alright if I follow you to where you're going after the party ends?"

Nia nods.

"Of course, Mihajl. That sounds lovely."

"Splendid. I can stay close by, so please do notify me if you feel uncomfortable."

"I will, thank you." the young woman replies with a nod.

The two wave goodbye to Kazimir and the young detective leaves to go visit the Claiza City Police Department.

Parking about a block away, he sighs upon seeing the flashing lights of police cars and ambulances.

"Corn dog, Mr.?"

Turning around, the young man rolls his eyes, taking the corn dog from Pierre's hands.

"What happened here?"

"Why don't you see for yourself?" Pierre asks, leading the young man over to a group of bodies.

"They all have a gunshot wound to the head. Almost looks like something out of a movie."

Pierre nods, biting into another piece of his corn dog.

"You know who these people are? The last remaining of Roger Brookstone's family. The weird thing it's not even his immediate; wife and kids. We found out they all died by murder-suicide; his daughter supposedly did it. Kinda strange, huh?"

Kazimir nods, looking over each of the bodies. He already knew who had committed the murders.

"Anyway, whoever it was must be a marksman from the military or something. No bullets left behind except the ones that killed these six people." Pierre continues. "I already have a speculation on where the person was aiming from; north, on top of that hill where the woodland begins."

"I see." Kazimir says, examining one of the bullets lodged into a woman's head.

"Good. Now, here's a flashlight; you're in charge of scanning the woods. The whole thing, too."

Taking the flashlight from Pierre, Kazimir heads up the hill, moving the flashlight from side to side.

"If Pierre was right, Alexei really didn't leave anything behind." the young detective mumbles to himself.

The leaves rustle in the distance as Kazimir continues to walk throughout the dark woods, the sound of leaves and sticks crunching underneath his feet. Turning the flashlight forward, the young man notices a small wooden house located a couple hundred feet away from him.

"Wonder if anyone's inside."

Knocking on the front door, Kazimir waits for someone to answer.

Five minutes had passed. Nothing.

"I guess-

"What're you doing walking 'round my house, boy?"

Turning to his left, Kazimir watches as the flashlight illuminated a middle-aged man pointing a rifle at him.

"Uh, I'm a detective from the Claiza City Special Forces Department." the young detective says, showing his badge. "I wanted to ask if you'd happen to see anyone walking throughout this part of the woods."

The man nods, lowering his rifle.

"Yeah, a couple of hours ago, a young man who spoke wit' a weird accent told me he was doin' some photography and asked which part of the hill was the best to take pictures. I told him north and that's where he went. He had a small girl with him and they both spoke in some gibberish language. Why're you asking?"

"Someone killed the last of the police chief's, Roger Brookstone's, family." Kazimir replies. "If you don't mind, I'd like to compare one of the bullets from your rifle with one I've picked up from the murder scene."

The man nods and takes a bullet from his gun, tossing it to Kazimir.

"Did you hear any gunshots after talking with the man?" Kazimir asks, looking at the bullet.

"No, I didn't. Wouldn't be surprised if it was him, his eyes looked kinda off."

"Got it." Kazimir says, tossing the bullet back to the man. "Do you mind if I check your house? My bad if it seems like I'm intruding, I just want to clear you."

The man groans and unlocks the front door of the small cabin.

"Check whatever you want, I ain't got nothing to hide."

Walking through the front door, Kazimir begins to scan throughout the small cabin.

"You said your work for the Special Forces; you ever met Brookstone?" the man asks, pouring himself a cup of coffee. "I hear y'all and the police department often work together."

Kazimir nods.

"I've talked to him a couple of times."

"My wife and I went to the same university as him, rest her soul. She used to come to me cryin' about Brookstone. Told me he touched her and tried to sleep with her."

"Yeah, I've heard similar stories like yours about him." Kazimir says, sighing. "Well, looks like you're cleared. Have a goodnight."

Closing the door behind him, Kazimir heads back down the hill, watching as Pierre waves over to him.

"Find anything?"

"An old, worn down cabin." Kazimir replies, handing the flashlight back to Pierre. "No one was home, though. Think it's abandoned."

"Damn." Pierre says, shrugging. "Anyway, I was just told the police department will be getting higher security as soon as tomorrow. High quality cameras and a gate in which you'll have to scan a card to get in."

"I'm assuming this'll just be another cold case since we don't have any other witnesses here to interrogate." Kazimir says, looking down at the bodies.

Pierre nods.

"Maybe, but it's a police chief we're talking about. They're not going to let this one drop so easily. Anyway, I'm still hungry. Wanna grab a bite to eat?"

"Sure." Kazimir replies.

The two men silently walk down the sidewalk to a small pizza restaurant and a cashier greets them both as they walk in.

"Good evening, what can I get you?"

Pierre points to Kazimir, who shrugs and walks forward to order.

"I'll have a large thin crust with half of it pepperoni and olives, and the other half just cheese and pineapple."

"Okay, your total is $15.79."

The young man pulls out a $20 and gives it to the cashier, before taking a seat in the dining area.

"Never met someone who eats pineapple on pizza."

"Then hey, looks like I'm the first!" Pierre says, smiling.

All of a sudden, a pair or arms hug Kazimir's neck and he quickly turns around, Khristina giving him a toothy smile.

"Hi, Mr. Kazimir!"

"Hello, Khristina."

He slides over in the booth and Khristina sits down next to him, happily swinging her legs.

"Guess what, guess what?!"

"Khrissy, please let Mr. Cizetto eat in peace."

The young girl looks up at her second eldest brother and frowns.

"It's okay, she can stay if she wants." Kazimir says, smiling down at the little girl.

"Aye, wassup Kash?" Dréy asks, sliding in the booth beside Pierre.

"Nothing, really. Just the usual detective work."

Khristina stands up in the booth and jumps on the table, Alexei quickly sitting her back down.

"Mr. Kazimir, you didn't guess!"

"Uh, you got a unicorn?"

"No, I got new boots! See, they even light up!" Khristina screams as she stomps her feet on the booth's seat. "They cost a lot of money, but Dréy paid for them since I got a A+ and a happy face sticker on my last math test!"

Kazimir chuckles.

"They're very cute, suits you perfectly."

"Thank you, Mr. Kazimir! See Dréy, I told you he was gonna like them! Also, guess what else?!"

"Khristina, please let-

"Alexei got a new job at papa's company! He's gonna be the, um, operating chef!" Khristina happily says, interrupting Alexei.

The young law student pinches the bridge of his nose.

"It's called the chief operating officer, Khristina."

The small girl nods.

"Yeah, that thing!"

"Congratulations, Alexei. I'm sure you'll do a fine job when it comes to showing results." Kazimir says.

"Yeah, what Kazimir said!" Pierre adds, picking up a slice of pizza.

Alexei smiles.

"I thank you both. Father's influence made it possible, but I really do hope to show the rest of the company my best performance."

"Can I say hi to Uncle Brent?!" Khristina asks, jumping up and down on the seat.

The young law student shakes his head.

"Maybe another time, Khrissy. Mr. Domonkos has already left work and I'm only going to greet my new team members. It won't take long."

"So you'll be back for movie night?!" Khristina asks, smiling.

Alexei nods, fixing the bottom of Khristina's dress.

"Yes, I'll be back. I'll pick us up some popcorn and candy on the way back, okay?"


The little girl gives her older brother a hug, before he leaves the restaurant.

After about thirty minutes of driving, Alexei parks his car and picks up the boxed celebration cake from the passenger seat. He steps out of the car and makes his way inside the large building.

Pressing the elevator button, the young man makes his way up to the 8th floor and down the brightly lit hall to a room on the right.

Upon entering the room, the new team greets their new leader, throwing in a few compliments.

"Why, I thank you all. I'm still a bit young and I'd like for everyone to speak up and correct me if I do happen to make any mistakes."

Looking up from his stack of papers, Alexei frowns as two of his new team members lean across the table to conversate with each other.

He picks up his glass cup of water and throws it down the middle of the table.