Chapter 57

Watching his temporary boss talk to another woman, Dayne looks down at the folder in his hands which held information about the 58 deaths related to the former police department.

"Mr. Uzini? I'd like to speak with you for a minute."

The older man stops in his tracks, turns to Dayne, and gives him a smile.

"Certainly, son. What would you like to discuss?"

"Here in this folder are the details connected to the Claiza City Police Department deaths. A group of detectives thoroughly checked the kitchen and did not find any trace of Fentanyl in the area. I've came to the conclusion that the drug was placed in the drink after it was set out by the chefs."

Captain Uzini nods, looking through the folder.

"Since the banquet consisted of heavy security, this can only mean that someone in the former police department or someone attending the banquet placed the drug in there." Dayne says.

"That makes perfect sense." the captain says, placing the folder down at his side. "I do thank you for your hard work, Dayne. I'll get this all followed up to confirm your conclusion."

He watches as the older man walks off before feeling a tap on his shoulder.

"I did it, Dayne. I officially fucked up."

"Did what, Caio?" Dayne asks, looking down at his twin brother.

"I yelled at Nia even though she was only trying to help me. Man, I feel like a fucking dumbass. I feel like I'm turning into her previous man and I don't want that."

He looks up at Dayne and shrugs.

"Well, give me some advice!"

Dayne sighs.

"First, you should be nicer to those around you."

"I am nice, Dayne." Caio says, crossing his arms. "I took Nia in, I killed her husband for her, I take her out to lunch here and there, I walk with her in the-

"I said everyone around you, not just Nia." Dayne interrupts. "Listen, why don't you just apologize to her? She'll be more hurt if you keep avoiding her. You're one of her closest friends; if she were to lose everything, I'm sure the first person she'd run to would be you."

"I know, but I'm scared she'll hate me. I don't want her to hate me, I want her to understand what happened was a complete and honest mistake and that I'd never hurt her." Caio explains.

Dayne rolls his eyes.

"Then go tell her that."

After asking around, Caio makes his way up to the rooftop. He watches as Nia sits on a bench, looking down at her hands.


The young woman looks up at him and gives him a smile.

"Hello, Caio. Would you like to sit by me?"

All of a sudden, he begins to cry and Nia immediately runs over to him.

"I'm sorry, Nia. It's just that even after I yelled at you, you didn't even bother to get mad at me. I feel so stupid yelling at you when you only tried to get me to see that there is good in others."

"Awwww, Caio. It's alright, we all lose our cool sometimes. You just happened to have a stressful morning, that's all." Nia replies, hugging the man.

"It's not alright, Nia. You told me about how your husband used to yell at you and then he started hitting you. I don't want-

"Caio, stop it. You're not him, okay? You're one of the sweetest friends anyone could ask for." the young woman interrupts. "It's alright to get mad occasionally, it's part of human nature."

She wipes a few tears from his eyes as he sniffles a bit.

"Now, give me a smile."

Caio smiles a little and Nia giggles, kissing the top of his forehead.

"That's good enough."

"So, is it okay if we reschedule our dinner for tomorrow?" Caio asks, placing his head in the young woman's crook of her shoulder.

"Yes, Caio. That'll be just fine."


Watching from the far end of a balcony, Kazimir looks down as Laurenté, who was currently pretending to be the auctioneer, held a conversation with another man.

"My goodness, I can't wait to get me another child to clean. My old one died from supposedly too little food. What about you, son? What're you planning to get?" a woman asks.

"I don't know yet." the young detective replies. "How much children are there?"

The woman looks down at her pamphlet.

"16 in all. Didn't you receive a pamphlet?"

"No, I think whoever was handing them out forgot to give one to me."

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention?"

The voices which once filled the room immediately stop and everyone turns to Laurenté.

"Good evening, everyone; I'll be your auctioneer for tonight. I'd first like to start off by saying that we have some rare and exclusive little ones who all come from wealthy families. Starting now, we're going to bring out the children so that you all can have a better look."

He walks over to the end of the stage, flipping on a couple of more lights so that the room was no longer dim.

"Alright, you can bring them out now!"

With eight children each following behind them, Jai and Lennox slowly lead them around the room.

Rolling his eyes as the crowd makes inappropriate gestures, Kazimir backs up a bit towards the curtain, where his machine guns were all hidden.

After lining them back onstage, the two young men each stand at the opposite end of the line.

Walking over to the line, Laurenté grabs Khristina's hand and whispers something in her ear. He then walks her up to the front of the stage, before going back to the podium.

"Our first girl here is the most energetic and happy young being that has ever existed! She is one of the sweetest people and has a good heart for others! Let's start the bidding at $20 million!"

Seven people raise their number and Laurenté nods.

"May I have the seven to come to the front?"

Immediately getting out of their seats, a small group of both men and women run to the front.

"Wonderful." Laurenté says with a smile on his face as he pulls out a machine gun, carrying out headshots to the seven people in front of him.

The crowd gasps and screams, as Jai and Lennox quickly lead the children off of the stage.

"I'd highly recommend you all stay seated!" Laurenté says, watching as multiple people started to get up.

He turns to Kazimir and Alexei who now both stood beside him.

"What do you two say? Should we give them a five second headstart?"

Kazimir shrugs.

"I don't mind."

"Of course, but don't start just yet; I'd like to personally speak with one of these people in the audience." Alexei replies.

Walking up to the podium, the young law student taps the microphone a couple of times.

"For one of you, today's your lucky day! You'll be spared from getting killed! The middle-aged male in the green suit, come here!"

As if on que, the man quickly makes his way to the front.

"Wait backstage until all the commotion is finished, we'll let you go afterwards." Alexei says, patting the man's shoulder.

"Now, wait just a minute!" a woman says. "My daughter; she just walked offstage!"

"No she didn't." Kazimir replies. "We already walked the children around the audience to point out anyone they knew."

The woman shakes her head.

"Listen here, son! I will call-

A couple of gunshots ring through the air and the audience watches as the woman falls to her death, before looking back up at Kazimir.

Pressing a button under the podium, Laurenté turns to the audience as the doors begin to open.

"We'll give you a five-second headstart. Beat that and congratulations; you have made it out alive."

He smiles as everyone screams and heads toward the doors.

"Best part about doing this is watching them run for their miserable lives; kinda like watching chickens flock around before they get beheaded." Laurenté says, reloading his gun.

He turns to Kazimir and Alexei, giving them a nod, before looking back forward.


A multitude of gunshots fill the air, as the three men laugh and run along, shooting at anyone who tried to exit the building. Within the next five minutes, everyone who sat in the room had been killed.

"Look at this one, she played in one of Khristina's favorite movies." Alexei says, kicking the lady over with his shoe. "Sad she took this route. Anyway, let's go speak to our "lucky" person."

Walking backstage, the young law student waves the man over and he smiles.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" the man says, dropping to his knees. "Such a kind boy, just like your-

"Call Brent and tell him you're quitting the company." Alexei says, pointing the gun to the man's head.

"What?" the man says, raising a brow.

"You heard me the first time. Now do it if you'd like to go home to your family tonight."

Taking out his smartphone, the man quickly dials his co-worker's number.

"Hello, Brent! I was just calling to inform you that I've decided to quit the company!"

"Tell him it's too much of a stressful job being head CEO and that you'd wished my father received the position instead. Let Brent hang the phone up first." Alexei says in a low voice.

"Oh no, nothing's the matter!" the man continues. "It's just that it's a stressful job; kinda wish Elliot was here, he would've known what to do in my position. Oh, you'll take over? Why, thank you, Brent! I'll catch you later, my kids are bugging me to read them a bedtime story. Night!"

The line on the other end of the phone hangs up and the man sighs in relief.

Alexei pokes the barrel of the gun into the man's head, lifting his chin up with his shoe.

"I hear Brent was the one who killed my father. Tell me everything you know. Start."

"It was both of us." the man says, hanging his head low. "Brent wanted Elliot's position, not for him to join Merderaé like you probably already found out. I helped him by killing your father off that day. Brent got his brother to wipe the camera footage from about three days."

Alexei nods.

"So then why'd you kill my mother? Even if she'd been a witness, she'd have no proof due to the cameras being wiped."

The man looks up at the ceiling.

"I...I fell for Ms. Kiyana. She rejected my advances and I too envied your father. I just wanted to get to know her; she brought so much joy to everyone around her. I'm sorry, so-

"Sir." Alexei interrupts.

"I'm sorry, sir. Please let me go home now."

The law student raises a brow.

"Let you go home? To your wife that you tried to cheat on?"

Kazimir and Laurenté watch from the side as Alexei begins to pierce the man with bullets until he was no longer recognizable.

Pushing his way through the two, the young law student walks out of the room.

"Let him cool his head a bit, he'll need a bit of alone time." Laurenté says, grabbing Kazimir's arm who tried to run after him. "Why don't we go check out what the others are up to?"