Chapter 75

Entering the large building, Kazimir looks up at the ceiling.

"This is where you live? It's a nice place."

"Yes, Mama bought it for me a few years back and had it remodeled." Alexei replies. "It's just me, myself, and I."

Once the elevator door opened on the 15th floor, the two step into a minimalistic-looking living room.

"Please have a seat, Mr. Cizetto. What can I get you to drink?"

"A water would be fine."

Filling a glass of water, Alexei slides it over to the young detective.

"You might want to drink that, you look as if you might pass out any minute now."

"Yeah, I'm just out of it." Kazimir replies, taking a sip.

"The department is looking at the police murders?"

Kazimir nods.

"First on the crime list. The chief briefs us everyday trying to persuade us that it'd be a safer city if we'd just drop everything else we were working on and find out who's behind the murders."

"Good job for getting first place." Alexei says, putting on his reading glasses. "Keep that spot, Mr. Cizetto. Let the department know that they should live in fear until the innocent citizens no longer have to put up with their games. Now, would you like the bank records printed out on paper or sent through a text message?"

"Printed would be fine."

Clicking the "print" option on his laptop, Alexei walks over to his desk, waiting for the paper to print.

"Is there a grocery store around here?" Kazimir asks, standing up as Alexei hands him the papers.

"Yes, continue straight when you're leaving here and then make a left on the first road. A big supermarket."

"Thanks." Kazimir says. "The department's going to be keeping a closer eye on the streets, especially downtown. Just be careful if you happen to do any gun dealings there."

"I'll take your word for it, thank you Mr. Cizetto. What about your partner, Pierre? How's he taking this?"

"I don't know, I haven't gotten to speak to him yet. Let me guess, he's the main cause behind the drug issue, isn't he?"

"I'm surprised you're just now finding out." Alexei replies.

Kazimir shrugs.

"I always kinda knew. Doesn't surprise me, though."

"Yes, he also knows you're the one behind the killings. He told me that it was actually good that you're killing off officers. Said the less officers around, the more money he makes."

"So the bastard only cares about himself." Kazimir says, laughing a little. "Typical."

Alexei shrugs and looks out of his living room window.

"Usually, I'd suggest you off him next, but he has little ones in his life that need his attention."

"That's true I guess. Anyway, I have to go. Have a good night."

"You as well." Alexei replies, waving as the elevator door closes.

Picking up his smartphone from his desk, the young man dials his brother's number.


"Hello, Khristina. How was your day at school?"

"Great! We went on a field trip and then we went to the mall and I got to sit with Mr. Kazimir and Mr. Chris and eat lunch with them!"

"Who is Mr. Chris?" Alexei asks, raising a brow.

"He's Kazimir's cousin! His real name is Christian, he's a junior in college, and his dream job is to be a gamer!"

"You have an excellent memory, Khristina."

"I have to have one if I wanna be a detective!" Khristina happily says, eating out of an ice cream bucket. "Mr. Kazimir said so!"

"Khristina, don't let everyone influence your future for you. Being a detective comes with a lot of responsibility and stressful work. Why don't you look for a more comfortable job? Like making clothes or starting a makeup brand like Mama?"

Khristina angrily kicks her legs, causing the half-melted ice cream bucket to spill onto Dréy's carpet.

"'Cause I don't wanna do that! Why do you and Mr. Kazimir keep saying that?! I said I wanna be a detective and that's what I'm gonna be!"

Hearing the phone hang up, Alexei groans.

"This girl."


Swiping the "answer call" button, the law student puts his phone back up to his ear.

"Mane, what the fuck did you say to Khristina to cause her to spill ice cream on my carpet?" Dréy asks, handing his little sister a new bucket of ice cream.

"I did not call to discuss a piece of carpet. When you went to pick up the package that was on my doorstep, was there anyone walking around?"

Dréy stares up at his ceiling in confusion.

"What package?"

"The one with the guns, Andréy."

"I ain't see anyone. Why?"

"Then explain to me why I have received a letter stating that the Claiza City law department is doing a witch hunt on whoever is selling guns."

Dréy chuckles and looks at his phone in disbelief.

"You're telling me I'm the one responsible for you and everyone else getting that letter?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying. In the last four years I've been doing this, no one has ever received a letter like this."

"Yeah, 'cause the crime's went up in four years!"

Alexei groans and slams his fist on his kitchen island.

"Clearly, you're not understanding what I'm saying; you fucked something up when you held that package, otherwise this damn department would have just sent out a letter without adding guns as a concern."

"Then maybe you ain't the only one dealing guns." Dréy says, pouring his kitten some cat food.

"I know I'm not. I'm providing the rest of these money-hungry bozos with guns, who then resell."

"So why're you acting scared?"

"I'm not scared, Andréy." Alexei replies, checking his watch. "I know how to beat the Feds. I'm just wondering why am I added to this letter all of a sudden."

"Then blame the people you're selling to, not me. Listen, don't stress too much about it; the department is still lookin' for some drug dealers and the serial killer who's targeting the Feds."

"I'm not stressing about anything, I just called to tell you that when I leave you to do something, do it carefully."

Hanging up, Alexei sighs and sits down on his couch, unbuttoning his shirt.

"A vacation would come in handy right now."


Speeding down dark the two-way road, Kazimir taps his fingers on the steering wheel as he listened along to his playlist.

Looking up in the rear view mirror, the young man groans and rolls his eyes.

"Got to be fucking kidding me."

Pulling over to the side of the road, Kazimir rolls the window down as an officer walks over to his car.

"Good evening, sir. Know why I pulled you over?"

Holding up his wallet, he points to his detective badge.

"I'm an on-duty detective for the Claiza City Police and Special Forces Department."

The officer leans forward a bit and tilts his head.

"Don't I know you from somewhere?"


"Oh, you're the kid who beat that case in Las Vegas!"

Kazimir shrugs.

"Well son, just because you're part of law enforcement doesn't mean you're above the law."

"I know that." Kazimir replies. "But how would you feel if your wife was shot and in critical condition, there was a witness to the shooting, and you couldn't get any answers because the detective you were waiting on was pulled over by a police officer just for trying to do his job?"

"I don't think being on-duty would allow you to listen to your personal music, would it?"

Lifting up the collar of his shirt, Kazimir shows the officer the tiny device latched onto it.

"That's why I have a small microphone attached to my shirt."

"You're still in the city of Blue Hills, son. I'm sure your victim's family will understand. Now, license and registration."

Taking out his car registration and driver's license, Kazimir hands the items to the officer.

"Heh. So you really do have white hair and red eyes, huh?"

"No, I'm just cosplaying 24/7."

Watching from the driver's side mirror as the officer walked over to his squad car, the young detective slowly reaches for his gun.

"Alright, Mr. Cizetto." the officer says, making his way back over to Kazimir's car. "203 mph in a 65 is extremely over the speed limit, but-


"Reach for your gun and I'll shoot you point blank."

Getting out of his car, Kazimir points the gun up at the officer's forehead as he slowly puts his hands up.

"I'm going to lead you over to the passenger side. We're going for a little drive, Mr. Officer."

Opening his passenger side door, Kazimir shoves the officer in and slams the door, before walking back over to the driver's side.

"Hand me your flashlight, body camera, radio and gun. Try anything funny and I'll kill you."

Giving Kazimir the requested items, the frightened officer watches through the windshield as the young man sped down the road.

After an hour of driving, Kazimir pulls over next to a cornfield and parks his car.

"Get out and start walking to that field over there."

"Sir, I don't know what I've-

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" the young detective angrily interrupts.

The two men walk into the cornfield and Kazimir loads his gun.

"Stop where you're at and turn around."

The officer stops and slowly turns around, before getting on his knees and crossing his hands together.

"Please, sir! Today is my son's 7th birthday and I just wanted to spend the rest of the night with him! You see, I'm a single father and we don't come from much, so my son is really excited to receive his birthday cake. I'm being serious, my name-

Kazimir's eye twitches as he stares down at the older man.

"Boo-hoo. I don't care for your name much less your sob story."

"Sir, how do you think your loved ones would feel if someone took you away from them?"

"She won't feel anything." Kazimir says, putting his finger on the trigger. "I'll get rid of him first."

"Mr. Cizetto, you have to understand. My shift-

"Understand what?! That I'm supposed to feel sorry for the same motherfuckers who took their sweet time getting to my sister's murder scene because they didn't feel as if it was all that important?"

The officer eyes slightly widen.

"Now, wait a minute. I work for Blue Hills, not Claiza City!"

"I don't give a damn if Antarctica had a police department, you people are all connected." Kazimir says. "I'm sure in the future, your son will give enough fucks to chase after the man who killed his dad. But I won't make it easy for him."

"My son wouldn't do a thing. Unlike you, we're forgiving and-


Watching as the officer's body goes limp, Kazimir sighs.

"I'm forgiving, sir. Just not in the way others define the term."