Chapter 78

--- Claiza City Special Forces and Police Department ---

"You look terrible."

Walking into the room, Dayne yawns as he takes a seat next to his brother.

"I didn't get much sleep. Where's Cizetto?"

"He's off-duty today." Caio replies, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Off-duty? We were supposed to gather a certain amount of information and then report-

Stopping mid-sentence, the younger twin stands up and reaches into his pocket before leaving the room.

Laughing, Caio takes another sip of his coffee and watches as the door bursts open.

"Sorry, I hope I'm not too late!" Nia says, putting her things on the table. "I've made us all breakfast. Wait, where's Kazimir?"

"Off-duty." Caio replies, taking a plate of pancakes.

"That's fine then. He can just share his gathered information with us tomorrow."

The young woman chuckles a bit, watching Caio eat.

"Are you even listening?"

"Yeah, sorry. I just got carried away."

Nia smiles, ruffling the man's hair.

"It's alright. Why don't you stop by my place for dinner tonight?"


"Yes, really! Does 8:00 sound good?"

The older male nods and throws his finished plate in the trash.



Both Caio and Nia turn to Dayne, who angrily sat back down at the table.

"I'm telling you both, we need to monitor that bastard."

"Dayne, he just took a day off. We'll go over his information tomorrow." Nia says, walking over to the man.

"No, I mean as in monitor whatever he's doing, both on and off-duty. We could place a hidden camera on his car."

The young woman tilts her head.

"That's a bit far, Dayne."

"I have to agree with Dayne." Caio says. "Something's not right with him. I mean really, his red eyes make him look like he's the offspring of demons."

Crossing her arms, Nia shakes her head.

"You two have gone way too far! Suspecting people is one thing, but making fun of something they can't help is another."

"Nia, come on!" Dayne says, throwing his hands in the air. "He was in the psych ward for heaven's sake!"

"And? It still doesn't give you a right to judge him. Poor Kazimir lost his other half. His sister meant a lot to him and not everyone reacts to death the same."


Opening the door, Caio looks down as a young woman stood in front of him.

"Your captain told me this is the room where you'll be doing interrogations for the rising crime."

"Yes. What's your name?"

"Celeste. I may have some information on Pierre Richano. I believe he works here."

"We'll take all the suspicions we can get." Dayne says, leading the young woman in. "How do you happen to know Richano?"

"He's the father of my child. When I was pregnant with our little boy back in high school, he provided for me since my parents kicked me out of the house." Celeste explains. "I gave birth and we moved to Paris after I finished my last year of high school. I always wondered how'd he made a lot of money since he never actually finished school. Turns out he was shipping drugs internationally and that's when I called off of the relationship."

Dayne nods, writing the said information down.

"I also suspect he's doing some of what he did back in France here. He has a girlfriend named Aria who lives on the outskirts of Claiza City. I believe you should talk to her next as well as his friend, Andréy."

"We thank you a lot for the tip, Celeste." Dayne says, shaking her hand. "We'll get back to you if we find something important."

"Thank you. I just hate having that clown around my little Prince."

The three watch as Celeste exits the room and Dayne turns to both Caio and Nia.

"I told you. If there's something off with the "best" detective on this department, there's definitely something off with Cizetto."

"Here's his bank account statements." Caio says, shuffling through a folder. "Richano recently had a transaction of $2 million and a withdrawal of $30 million."

Dayne raises a brow, snatching the paper from his brother's hands.

"Where the hell is the money being transferred to?"

"Multiple people. I don't recognize any expect that one rich boy whose parents were killed."

"Alexei?" Nia asks, taking a look at the paper. "I'm a little surprised he'd do business with Pierre. Maybe it was for a loan or something."

"Richano's stupid but not owing someone a loan stupid." Dayne says, handing the paper back to Caio. "I'll start making the calls to Aria, Andréy, Pierre, and Alexei."

"Don't worry about dragging Aria down here." Nia says, picking up her wallet and keys. "She's pregnant, so it's best if I should visit her."

"We're going to interrogate the rest all at once?" Caio asks, watching as Nia left the room.

Dayne nods as he picks up the phone from the wall.

"Yes we are. I'd like to who blames who first."


"Mr. Kazimir!"

The young detective smiles as Khristina runs over to him, her larger backpack flapping behind her.

"Hey, Khristina. How was your-

Hearing the small girl's cry, Kazimir looks down.

"Khristina, what's the matter?"

"Alexei and Dréy are getting arrested!"

Kazimir raises a brow.

"Where'd you here this?"

"Cousin Laurenté and a policeman was having a conversation and the policeman said he was going to put my brothers in handcuffs if they didn't go down to the station im-immediately!"

Sighing, Kazimir stands up and grabs Khristina's hand.

"Come on, let's figure this out."

Walking over to Laurenté and a shorter male, Kazimir quickly clears his throat.

"Excuse me? I hear you're planning to take in Andréy and Alexei La'rine?"

"Yes, I am. The department has its valid reasons." the policeman says, turning to Kazimir. "Who the hell are you?"

"I work as a detective for the department; the same one you're from. I'd like to handle everything else from here."

The policeman chuckles and leans into Kazimir's face.

"I don't see a badge."

Taking his badge from his wallet, the young detective shoves it into the man's face.

"Is this good enough or do I have to carve an imprint into your eye?"

Snarling, the officer walks off and Kazimir kicks a pebble towards his way.

"Piece of shit. Uh, anyway, what's this about Dréy and Alexei, Laurenté?"

"Ah, it seems like the department may have put two and two together regarding my cousin's business." Laurenté says, hugging Khristina.

"Alexei and Dréy aren't even bad people!" Khristina says as tears roll down her face.

"Alright, I'll go figure something out. Khristina, I'm going to leave you here with your cousin while I try to help your brothers."

"Don't let them go to jail, Mr. Kazimir!"

The young man sighs and gives Khristina a small hug.

"I'll try my best not to."

Walking back over to his car, Kazimir starts it up, speeding down the road to the department. He quickly parks and gets out, before running inside.

"Control room, control room. Where's the control room?"

Following the map posted on the wall, Kazimir walks down a flight of stairs, before entering a large room on the right.

Quietly closing the door, he runs over to a computer which displayed surveillance footage of the entire building.

Selecting a video, he turns off the camera which showed footage of the room it was installed in.

"Guess I should clear my own tracks, huh?"

After deleting the recent footage of him entering the control room, Kazimir walks back out and makes his way upstairs towards the interrogation room.

"Sorry, sir. No visitors beyond-

"You dumbass, I'm a detective who works here." Kazimir says, showing the officer his badge.

"My apologies, sir. Have a nice day."

"Apologies my ass."

Looking into the rooms, Kazimir watches as Pierre and Dréy sat at a table, Dayne pacing back and forth. He turns to see Caio talking to the two men.

"So you're telling me that the mother of your son lied?"

"Yeah, she did." Pierre says, crossing his arms. "See, Celeste knows that I want to be a father to Prince. She's only mad because I'm not being a deadbeat and paying child support to fill her pockets."

"So then where'd you get $30 million to transfer to other people?" Dayne asks.

Pierre groans.

"I'm not telling you my personal secrets since I'm the actual detective on this force. You want to make fast money like me, you better start finding ways, Blondie."

"I'm not interested in that, I asked you where'd you get the money?!"

"Y'all gonna ask me some questions or what?" Dréy asks, leaning forward.

Dayne nods.

"I'll get to you as soon as I get a response from Richano."

"And you already got it." Pierre says.

Rolling his eyes, the younger twin turns to Dréy.

"Has Mr. Richano ever gave you anything out of the ordinary?"


"What about your brother? Has he ever told you to hold anything for him?"

"Now why y'all bringing him into this?" Dréy asks, raising a brow. "The boy is a law student; he ain't got time to be trappin'."

"Your brother was one of the names listed on Mr. Richano's list of people that he gave part of the $30 million to." Dayne says. "Now, if I find out that you're trying to cover something up for either one of these young men, you'll be facing some serious charges, kid."

"Well, I ain't see them do anything illegal."

Dayne sighs and turns to Caio who smiles a little.

"Then you don't mind if we search your house?"

"If you show me a damn warrant." Dréy replies, fiddling with his car keys.


Walking over to the door, Dayne opens it to let Alexei in.

"What is it this time that I have to be called out from class and make a 6-hour drive?"

"I have a warrant to check your house here in Claiza City as well as your airline company's planes."

The law student chuckles, raising a brow.

"Search warrant? What are you all suspecting me of?"

"Suspicion of having illegal contraband as well as weapons." Caio replies. "We found your name in a list of people that Pierre Richano transferred money to. Richano is suspected of having illegal contraband as well."

Alexei shakes his head, looking over at his brother.

"So then why is Andréy here? You didn't mention anything about him."

"Andréy is Pierre's closest friend. The mother of Pierre's son told us that he may know a thing or two." Dayne says. "Now, hand over the keys to your house here in Claiza City. We'll search while you go back up to Blue Hills."

Alexei takes the keys from his pocket and gives the man an angry look.

"I'll unlock the door to MY house MYSELF. You dirty bastards can check all you want, but just remember that I'll be watching so don't try anything slick."

Dayne shrugs.

"Then let's go."