Chapter 82

Kazimir chuckles a little as Alexei scribbles something on a sticky note.

"Here is the address to where you should meet me once I give you the call."

"I didn't even get to say my final answer yet." Kazimir says, taking the note.

"Oh? Are you not interested?"

Looking up, the young detective mentally raises a brow as he looks into the smiling law student's eyes. Something seemed—way off.

"How much will you pay me?"

Alexei smiles.

"I'll let you decide that."

"$13 million."

"That's it? How about $30 million?"

"Thanks, but I'll just stick with what I originally said."

"Well, if you say so. I'll give you a call by tomorrow. A pleasure doing business with you, Cizetto. Onto my next question; how's my little Khrissy doing?"

"She's doing fine. She was very excited when Dréy came over to pick her up for her playdate with Miracle."

The young detective watches as Alexei's smile slightly fades as he looks over at a picture of his family.

"Well, I gotta get back to the station. See-

"Did Khristina tell you where she was going for her playdate?"

"I think she said something about the mall. Why?"

"No reason, just making sure it wasn't someplace vile." Alexei replies with a reassuring smile. "Have a good day, Mr. Cizetto. Goodbye for now."

"Uh, see ya."

Closing the door behind him, Kazimir walks over to his car, stopping next to it, and looks back at the house.


Quickly taking his phone from his pocket, Kazimir swipes to answer it.


"Damn, you finally picked up. Captain Uzini has been trying to reach you for over a fucking hour now! Hurry up and get your ass over to 304 Sandy Road. We've got another officer related homicide." Pierre replies, putting emphasis on the word "officer."

Hanging up, Kazimir places the phone into his pocket and gets into his car.

"Fucking bastard probably thought I had something to do with it."

"You're letting someone steal your spotlight? Kinda weak, Kazimir."

Turning to his passenger seat, Kazimir swerves off the road a little upon being taken aback by seeing his alternate self.

"You idiot, you almost made me crash! What the hell are you doing in my car?!"

Ryushi chuckles, putting his feet up on the dashboard.

"Hey, it's a nice car and I like nice things. But that's not what I'm here to discuss."

"Then what the fuck do you want?"

"I want you to stop giving into people so easily. Makes you look vulnerable."

"I'm not giving up $13 million, Ryushi."

"Nah, I'm not just talking about Mr. Loaded. That drug-dealing deadbeat, the cute woman who you work with, that little girl of yours, your dumbass cousin, and so many more people. I'll be honest, Kazimir; you're too friendly of a guy. You just let people command you, subtly complain, and not do a damn thing about it."


Sharply pulling over to the side of the road, Kazimir leans over to open the passenger door.

"Take your feet off my fucking dashboard and get out. You're a damn entity living in my head; you're the last thing that should be telling me what my fucking personality is."

Ryushi chuckles and shakes his head.

"Hold on, I wasn't finished."

"Then hurry the hell up, therapist."

"Good job holding up the act. Just don't overdo it, Kazimir."

Removing his feet from the dashboard, Ryushi holds up two fingers as a way of saying goodbye.

"Anyway, I should get going like you said. Catch ya around!"

The young man watches as his alternate disappears from the passenger seat.

Slamming the passenger door shut, Kazimir continues to speed down the road, sharply pulling into a large driveway.

"Driving skills could use some touch-ups!"

"What the hell happened here, Pierre?" the younger detective asks, locking his car doors.

"Wife says she walked out of the front door to walk their dog and found her husband laying on the ground unconscious."

Squatting down next to the dead body, Kazimir looks into the male's lifeless eyes.

"What's the supposed cause of death?"

Pierre shrugs and looks down at Kazimir.

"Don't know. I'm sure you might have a clue since you're such an expert at officer-related deaths."

Kazimir gives Pierre a look of bluntness before turning back to the dead police officer.

"Poison, I'm assuming."

The two men step back as a pair of medical workers pick up the body to be exhumed.


Turning to the sound of the bone-chilling scream, Kazimir watches as a woman runs after the lifeless body, a couple of police officers stopping her.

"Funny isn't it?"


"That one day, Prince or Khristina could be in that lady's place." Pierre replies, patting Kazimir's shoulder.

The younger detective turns back to watching the woman continue to cry out for her husband.

"No. Not Khristina. I'll make sure of that."

Pierre chuckles and shakes his head.

"Make sure of what? We live in a large city, the crime rate rises nearly every damn day, and you're telling me you're not at a risk of getting killed?"

Turning to the older male, Kazimir gives him a glare, his eyes turning a darkening yet intimidating red.

"Then if you're scared of death, get off the fucking force."

Tilting his head in confusion, Pierre raises a brow.

"I literally play with my life every time I show up to my second job, Cizetto. I'm just telling you to open your damn eyes; your chances of survival by being on this department are 40/60."

"Excuse me?"

Looking down, Pierre and Kazimir come face to face with a little boy and a small girl holding a stuffed animal.

"I know we were told to wait inside, but my sister and I wanted to know if our daddy will be okay."

Pierre turns to Kazimir who squats down at the girl's height.

"May I have your name?"

"My name is Marigold. They're daddy's favorite flowers!"

"Yeah, they're very pretty flowers. What about you, bro? What's your name?"

"I'm Kevin!" the boy says, perking up a little. "But all my friends call me Kev for short!"

"Alright, Kev and Marigold; unfortunately, I don't have word of your father's condition just yet." Kazimir says, trying to figure out how to break the news. "However, while we're waiting, why don't we find something fun to do? What do you two like to do?"

"I like looking at cars!" Kevin says, grabbing his sister's hand.

"Me too!" Marigold adds.

"Why don't I show you two my car?"

"Is it cool?" Kevin asks, walking alongside Kazimir.

"I'll let you'll be the judge of that. Anyway, here she is."

"No way! An R35!" the small boy happily says, jumping up and down.

Kazimir smiles, opening his car door.

"I'll let you start it but let your sister go first."

Happily jumping into the driver's seat, Marigold pushes the "start engine" button.

Jumping at the sudden sound of the exhaust system, the small girl quickly turns off the car and runs out.

"It's too loud!"

"That's how it's supposed to sound, Marigold!" Kevin says, jumping into the driver's seat before pressing the "start engine" button. "What type of exhaust did you get for it?!"

"It's a straight pipe." Kazimir replies with a smile as Marigold grabs his hand. "And get this; my cousin has a close friend who works in the race car industry. His friend managed to get his hands on a few modified V8 engines and my cousin said once they get delivered to his house, he'd send-


Looking back, the young detective watches as captain Uzini quickly walks over.

"You were not trained to discuss cars and whatknot."

"But he was telling an interesting story, Mr.!" Kevin and Marigold yell in unison.

"Well, maybe I'll save that story for another day." Kazimir replies with a chuckle. "Let's go see if your mother is ready to take the two of you home."

"What about our daddy?" Marigold asks, swinging both her brother's and the young man's hand.

With a mental sigh, Kazimir stops in his tracks and turns around, squatting down in front of the two children. He knew there was no use in having the small children's mother repeat the news of her husband's death.

"I'm sorry to be the one to have to tell you both this, but your father—didn't make it. I know I should've told you earlier, but I didn't know how to tell you."

Looking into the sibling's eyes, he slowly pulls them into a hug, feeling the top of his shirt begin to get wet with tears.

"Hey, the lady wants her kids back." Pierre interrupts, patting the top of Kazimir's head.

Slowly pulling back from the small group hug, the young man tells the children to go to their mother.

"But I wanna stay with you, Kazimir!" Kevin says, watching as Marigold ran over to their mother. "You're fun to be around!"

"Thanks for the compliment, but your mother and Marigold need you more during this time."

"I know, but you remind me so much of my daddy, Kazimir. He was tall and nice like you! Can you stay with us just a few more minutes?"

Kazimir nods.

"I don't see why not."

The little boy smiles and motions for Kazimir to follow him.

"You? Nice? Gotta be the funniest shit I've heard all day." Pierre says.

Lost in his own thoughts, Kazimir follows Kevin up onto the front porch. He hated to feel it, but the young man was slowly starting to wish he never met the two kids.

"Mama, can my new friend Kazimir stay a while?"

Turning to Kazimir, the woman wipes a tear with the palm of her hand.

"I'm truly sorry for your loss, miss. I'm absolutely positive your husband was a—great service to his community."

"Why is it that when life is finally going in a good direction, this happens?! Why the hell is it?!"

"I got it from here, Cizetto. Unfortunately, tonight is quite busy and there's been another suspected homicide that has happened."

Stepping aside, Kazimir watches as Captain Uzini motions for Pierre to come over.

"Listen, there's been a shooting at the mall downtown. One person is deceased and another was involved with non-threatening injuries. I want you two to check it out for me while I deal with this situation."

"Man, I don't know why I even chose this job at times." Pierre says as he begins to walk down the sidewalk to his car. "Glad I have the next four days off. Get to spend some time with Prince. What about you? You ever wish you had a kid of your own?"

"I do have a-

Stopping mid-sentence, Kazimir sighs and chuckles.

"Eh, I haven't made up my mind yet."