Chapter 87

"Good. They're all asleep now."

Quietly tip-toeing over to Laurenté, Nia smiles back at the peacefully sleeping class.

"If the tornado does hit the school, I don't think much damage should be done down here in the basement." Laurenté says, sitting down. "According to older school records, there was also an EF-4 tornado back in 1988. This basement apparently had little to no damage done."

"That's some good news to hear." Nia says, sighing in relief.

"Yes, it is. These children are like my second family. Seeing anyone or anything hurt them, hurts me."

Looking over at the peacefully sleeping children, Laurenté smiles a little.

"Do you have children of your own? I notice you have a perfect voice made for lullabies."

"Oh no, but thank you." Nia replies. "My cousins and I used to have singing competitions when we younger. I suppose I never got over the fun in them."

"That's cute."

"Sometimes we still meet up today just to test who still has the best voice."

"I wish my cousins would be down for something peaceful like that for once."

Laurenté sighs and turns to the young woman.

"Sometimes, I worry about the three of them. I know none of them are doing okay, especially if Khristina is always wanting to be around Kazimir Cizetto 95% of the time."

"I'm sure they worry about you too, Laurenté." Nia whispers. "Your side job is being a hitman after all."

"Hey, I'm thinking about giving it up and settling down, okay? Just hope my Alexei does the same."

"Well maybe there's a reason he's doing that shady business." the young woman says, opening a water bottle.

"Yeah, it's money. That's why he's very protective of Khristina. I'm sure you know this by now, but my late uncle, her father, added an extra $200 million to her name."

"Laurenté, I'm sure that isn't true. Alexei cares very deeply about his family and I'm certain it isn't about money."

"Madame, I don't mean to be rude, but you know little to nothing about my family and I. That boy is a psychopath who needs to be locked up in a mental asylum. He shows plenty of empathy and compassion on the outside, but on the inside is a completely different person."

Nia frowns and shakes her head.

"Even psychopaths have at least 1 or 2 people they care about."

Laurenté quietly laughs and looks up at the ceiling.

"Not this one. Not this one."


Chasing after the speeding semi, Kazimir repeatedly checks the back view mirror, not seeing any signs of his partner.


Looking down to his left, a black and white Camaro ZL1 pulls up beside Kazimir's truck, Alexei motioning from the driver's seat for the young detective to fall back.

Speeding up, the law student quickly cuts in front of the semi Pierre was currently in and places the Camaro in park.


After putting the gearshift in park, Pierre quickly jumps out and runs over to his Camaro.

"My ba-


Punching the older male, Alexei pulls out his handgun from his pants and angles at Pierre's leg.


"That's one."


"There's two."

Holding his arm in pain, Pierre looks up as the law student shoves the weapon in his pocket.

"If it wasn't for that satanic offspring and those two tainted whores of yours, then I would've killed you."

"Don't you ever insult my family like that again. You speak to Khristina with that mouth?" Pierre angrily asks, sitting up.

"You buy the little devil new toys with that cocaine stained money?"

Putting his gun back in his pocket, Alexei walks back over to his truck and signals an "okay" to Kazimir.



Pierre watches in horror as the law student's semi runs over his car, crushing it like a soda can.

Looking over as the trucks drove off, the man's brows furrow.

"Little bitches. They're gonna regret this shit."


After a few more hours of being on the road, the two young men pull over to the side of the road to rest for the night.

"Perfect timing, perfect timing." Alexei says, looking down at his watch. "I'd say we did a great job today, Mr. Cizetto."

Kazimir takes a bite out of an apple and looks over at the law student.

"Where's all this headed anyway?"

"Well, one truck is headed to the States to be divided up and shipped out to extended clients by a processing facility in Georgia. The other truck is headed to Colima, Mexico. Some men from the Sinaloa cartel are scheduled to meet us there."

Kazimir chuckles as he gives the rest of the apple to a stray cat.

"Damn, you must be really well known in the trafficking world. I don't think I'd have the patience to keep up with a side business as busy as this."

Alexei lightly smiles as he reads over a paper on a clipboard.

"Not everyone does and that's understandable. I will admit, the job does get pretty taxing at times, but it brings in a fortune. Now, please pick between these two numbers: 1 and 5."

"One." Kazimir quickly replies.

"Alright, everyone working under me gets an permanent increased wage by $1,000."

"Ah, that's nice of you to do."

"It's really the least I could do for my companies. Their hard work is greatly appreciated."

With a yawn, Alexei taps the side of his truck as he scans the dark area.

"Hmm? Look over there; a Masonic lodge."

The young detective watches as his partner points to an abandoned-looking building and begins to walk towards it.

"The one Laurenté attends has a full bathroom. I believe he said it used to be an old castle from the 1500s."

"I didn't know Laurenté was a Freemason." Kazimir says, moving a tree branch from in front of his face.

"Yes, his fathers before him has been deeply rooted in all of that. Just like their hitman past; it's kind of a tradition."

"Wouldn't that make your father one too?"

Alexei shakes his head and turns to the detective.

"He never liked attending the meetings when he was younger. Said they were nice people but something felt off."

Knocking on the door, the law student steps back as it opens.

"You kids lost?" a man asks, looking over Kazimir's and Alexei's shoulders.

"Far from that, sir. You see, we're truck drivers just passing through and decided to stop for the night. We were just wondering if you all had a shower we could use for the night.

The older male raises a brow and chuckles.

"You both aren't dressed like it. More like undercover agents."

"Yeah, we just wanted to show up to our delivery in a sorta professional way." Kazimir says, shrugging.

"Much respect. Not too many people know how to dress professionally these days. Unfortunately, we don't have a shower, but if you continue going left, there should be a hotel. I'll contact the owner and let him know you boys are headed towards there."

Alexei shakes the man's hand and gives him a warm smile.

"Much appreciation, sir."

Continuing forward, the two young men begin to conversate again, eventually being interrupted by the ringing of Alexei's phone.

"Aye, what y'all doin' walkin' outside in the dark? Where the fuck y'all at?"

"Dréy, no cursing in front of Khristina, please." Alexei says.

"She not in the car with me. I just dropped her off at Lanté's crib. I'm on my way to pick up Pierre 'cause he stranded. He said y'all might know somethin' about it."

"Well, I tried to tell him to get out of our way multiple times."

"So you the reason his car lookin' like a crushed soda can?" Dréy rhetorically asks. "Where Kash at?"

"Hey, Dréy." Kazimir says, waving at the camera. "How's your arm?"

"Good. Still a lil' pain here and there but better than before. Oh yeah; Miracle told Khristina to ask us when can we schedule a play date for them."

Alexei shakes his head and sighs.

"I'm not quite sure. I do have school to attend."

"I'll figure out a plan." Kazimir replies. "Just give me sometime to set something up in between my schedule."

"Alright, I do believe this is the hotel that man was referring to." Alexei says, as the two men approach the front of a large building. "We'll talk to you later, Dréy. Please say goodnight to Khrissy and Laurenté for me."

"A'ight, y'all stay safe. Night, Kash. Love you, lil' bruh."

Kazimir and Alexei watch as Dréy hangs up before making their way inside.

"Can I help you young gentlemen?" the receptionist says, looking up from his computer.

"Yes, you might've received a call from a local freemasonry saying two of us were arriving." Alexei says, placing his hands on the countertop.

"Oh! I'm assuming you two are here to use one of our bathrooms, correct?"


"Well, unfortunately, you'll have to book a room in order to-

"This should cover it." the young law student interrupts, sliding $5,000 to the older male.

"Rooms 7, 8, and 11 on the second floor are the only ones open for the night. Feel free to take as much time as needed."

Walking upstairs, Kazimir and Alexei each enter separate rooms to take their respected showers.

Turning the light on in room 11, Kazimir closes the door behind him, only to come face to face with a familiar young woman.

"Aren't you that girl I met back in Vegas?"

The young woman nods.

"You're Kazimir, I remember you."

"Yeah. Uh, what's your name again?" Kazimir says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Ellie. Ellie Rein."

"Oh, yeah. The hell are you doing here? I thought I sent you back to your boyfriend."

"See, that's the thing." Ellie says, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "He kinda broke up with me after I found him cheating on me with my cousin."

"Sheesh- I mean, I'm sorry to hear that."

"No, no; it's fine. At least I can see more of the world!"

"So you're traveling? Where're you headed?" Kazimir asks, taking his shoes off.

"I'm currently on my way to Germany. That's where my parents are from."

"Then I wish you the best. I kinda need to shower now, so pardon me."

The young woman watches as Kazimir closes the bathroom door behind him and sighs.


Turning to the detective's phone, Ellie watches as a text message from Milette pops up onto the screen.

"I should've known. He's too nice and handsome to not have a girlfriend."


Looking down at the phone again, the young woman raises a brow.

"Nia? First Milette, now Nia? Wait a second, he's probably one of those men that participates in polygamous relationships!"