Chapter 100

Looking up from her silent pouting, Khristina watches as a boy around her age with dark, fluffy hair and light brown eyes stood in front of her, pointing down at the chair.

Looking at the armrest and the back, the little girl shakes her head.

"I don't see a name on it."

"Keep the chair, then. But I wanna ask you a question." the small boy says, playing with something on the shelf next to her.


"Why're you pouting?"

"Because Mr. Kazimir is in love and not paying attention to me! It was supposed to just be me and him shopping for clothes, but now these other people wanna talk to him for no reason!"

The boy looks back at Kazimir who still sat talking to Zaira.

"Is he your guardian or something?"

"Yeah! He's watching me for now 'cause my brothers are in college and my cousin is often busy with his teaching and other work and gets home late."

"I don't think he's in love. He probably just found a new friend his age."

"But he said that I was his most bestest friend!" Khristina says, kicking her feet.

"It sounds like you're jealous. I can change that if you want."

"How? 'Cause I was never jealous in the first place."

"Come with me. I wanna show you something."

Taking her hand, the young boy drags her over to a glass counter with rings.

"I can get you one of these, but from the other jewelry store. I'll buy it with my allowance money."

Khristina gives the boy a weird look before turning back to the ring display.

"Are you sure you have enough?"

"I wouldn't be standing here trying to buy it for you if I didn't have enough. What's your name again?"

"I'm Khristina-Bella but everyone calls me Khristina for short." the little girl replies.

"You sound expensive, but it's alright 'cause I like expensive. My name is Levon."

The two children walk over to where Kazimir sat and Levon clears his throat.

"Excuse me sir. I hate to interrupt your conversation, but I do believe this one will be more important."

Kazimir raises a brow as he looks down at the younger boy.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yes. I'd like to take Khristina to the jewelry store and I'd like your permission."

"Yeah, that's fine with me. Khristina, are you done looking around in this store?"

"Yeah, I want the two dresses and that necklace and bracelet on the shelf over there!"

Watching as Levon lead Khristina out of the store, Kazimir shakes his head.

"I should probably check this all out before that boy gets himself and Khristina lost."

Zaira chuckles and stands up.

"And I should probably get going before my baby cousin throws a fit. Bye bye, Kazimir!"

Kazimir waves goodbye before walking over to where Khristina placed the accessories and picks them up.

"This necklace…"


Staring down at his sister's body in the casket, a 14-year old Kazimir touches the cold, heart-shaped necklace around her neck. Two years prior, he gifted it to her for Christmas and ever since, she'd worn it everyday up until her sudden death.

"Camille. Camille, please prove these people wrong. Prove mama and dad wrong. Get up, Camille. Sit up and get the hell out of this thing."

Feeling a hand pat his shoulder, Kazimir looks up at his father who also stared down at his daughter.

His eyes looked as if every bit of color and life had been forcefully drained from them.



Running over to the checkout, Kazimir quickly places the items on the counter.

A boy, an argument, then death.

The young man may not have been able to prevent his sister's death but he could prevent little Khristina's.

"And your total is $78.80." the cashier says, looking at the screen.

Swiping his card, Kazimir quickly grabs the receipt and bags.

"Have a good day, sir!"

Making his way across to the other store, the detective stands by the exit and watches as Levon slid a ring onto Khristina's finger.

"I want this one! It's shiny and sparkly and big!" Khristina says with a huge smile.

Levon looks up at the employee and nods.

"You heard her. She wants this one."

"The fuck are you doing here?"

Propping himself up against a window, Pierre happily watches as Prince drags a shy Miracle over to the jewelry display.

"Some kid wanted to take Khristina here to get a ring." Kazimir replies. "I don't know, I don't think Khristina should be around him. She should be focusing on schoolwork not boyfriends; especially at this young of an age."

"Oh come on, Kazimir! Let the girl have fun! Besides, they don't even know what that stuff is! Look, my Prince is taking out a girl right now. Thing is, I taught him how to be a player so I don't know what this romantic shit I'm witnessing right here is. Celeste must've taught him that."

"Yeah, I don't want Khristina to turn out like your Prince." Kazimir says, clicking his tongue.

"I'll have you know that my Prince is extremely smart! He can dog walk that whole class in mathematics!"

"Mr. Kazimir, look!" Khristina yells, holding Levon's hand. "My new friend Levon bought me a ring! And it costed a lot of money."

"$1,827 to be exact." Levon adds. "I used my own card to purchase it as well. Father told me to only spend lots of money on important stuff and I thought Khristina was important to me."

Kazimir nods as he separates Khristina's hand from Levon's.

"Yeah, where is your father? I want to speak with him."

"He's at work right now. My brother was the one who took me here."

"Then where's your brother?"

"He's most likely studying. Did you know that he graduated high school at the age of 14? He's 18 now and finishing up his last year of college."

"So then how old are you?" Kazimir asks. "And what grade are you in?"

"I'm 8 years old and I'm in 4th grade. My family and I just moved here because my father has had more success in furthering his company here than back in the States."

"Okay, kid. I don't-

"It's Levon, sir."

"Okay, Levon." the young detective says, rolling his eyes. "I'd like for Khristina to focus on schoolwork as of now instead of being kiddie romanced by boys."

Giving Kazimir a sly smile, Levon grabs Khristina's hand from Kazimir.

"Unlike you, I'm not interested in romancing multiple girls. So you can stop the self projection and use the singular form of the word boy."

"First of all, I'm not romancing multiple girls, you disrespectful little brat."

Taking a deep breath, Kazimir closes his eyes and lets out a sigh.

"I think it's time for us to go, Khristina. You can talk to Levon later."

"But he was gonna take me to more stores!" the small girl says, stomping her foot.

"Well, you'll have to do that another time. The department is holding a special program later this evening welcoming in new detectives and unfortunately I have to attend. Say goodbye to Levon."

"Don't worry, we'll meet again soon."

"Bye, Levon! I won't forget you!"


"Khristina, that ring was very expensive." Kazimir says, tapping Khristina's hand. "Please stop twisting it around before you lose it."

"I won't lose it." Khristina says as the lights dim. "I'm very responsible."

"Kazimir, is the event starting now?" Miracle asks swinging her feet.

"Looks like it."

"Is there gonna be food?" Khristina asks, tapping the table.

"Maybe when the main part is over."

"Damn, we made it just in time!"

Sighing, Kazimir watches as Pierre sits down and Prince sits next to Miracle.

"Hey, you know if there's gonna be food?" Pierre asks, tapping his fingers on the table.

"I already said I don't know."

"You sound mad. What's up?"

The young detective shakes his head.

"I'm not mad."

"Yeah, you are. Is it because Khristina has a new friend?"

The little girl toothily smiles and turns to Kazimir.

"You're not jealous are you, Mr. Kazimir? I am a very cute girl after all."

"Khristina, I'm far from jealous."

"Are you sure?"

"Khristina, please." the young man says, rubbing his forehead.

"Please what?"

"He wants you to shut the fuck up." a man says, turning around. "Just like the rest-


Small gasps traveled through the air as half of the room turns to Kazimir punching a man in his torso.

"You worry about your business and I'll worry about mine. Don't you ever speak to her like that again."

Punching the man once more, Kazimir watches as he stumbles back onto the table. Sitting back down, he places a hand on top of Khristina's.

"Ignore that idiot, Khristina. He's just mad he didn't have the opportunity to take in a wonderful girl."

Laying her head against Kazimir's arm, the little girl silently watches as the curtains open.

Wrapping an arm around her shoulder, Kazimir brings Khristina in closer to him.

"It's alright. You're gonna be alright."

Hearing her sniffle, Kazimir stands up and picks Khristina up. Entering a family restroom, he places Khristina down and grabs a few napkins for her to dry her tears.

"Alright, Khristina. I know you better than this to just cry. What's really on your mind?"


Stomping her foot, she turns around to look at the wall.

"Well clearly something is if you're turning away from me. It's alright, though. I'll wait until you're ready to tell me."

"Then I guess we'll be waiting for years and years!"

"I guess so." Kazimir says, shrugging. "And if we're waiting for years, then that means no food. No desserts. No sweets. No ice cream. No-

"How come you get to talk to a lot of girls but when I talk to one boy then you get mad and start acting like Alexei?!"

The detective nods and clasps his hands together.

"Ah, that's what's up. You think I'm jealous of you when in reality you're jealous of me."

"Am not!"

"Well a non-jelly Khristina wouldn't be acting out like this." Kazimir says, turning the little girl around. "You may think you know Levon by what he says about himself, but I need to you to understand that his actions will speak louder than his words. And just because he bought you an expensive ring doesn't mean he'll buy another girl the same one and tell her the same things. That's why I want you to stay friends with him until he proves himself. He needs to prove that he can wait until you at least reach 9th grade before you two start actually being boyfriend and girlfriend."

"But that's too long!"

"Yeah, and if he shows that he can wait that long, then he's actually genuine. For now, focus on cupcakes and sprinkles."

Khristina wipes a tear from her eye and looks up at Kazimir.

"But what if he finds someone else?"

"Then he was never the one for you. Listen, why don't I take you out for a mani-pedi this upcoming weekend?"

"Will you?"

"Yep. And we can get ice cream right after."

Smiling, Khristina jumps up and down.

"Now let's go back to the table, okay?"


Walking out of the bathroom, Kazimir and Khristina make their way back over to the table where Pierre, Miracle, and Prince sat.

"I hope Uzini doesn't make me train one of these new people." Pierre whispers as Kazimir sits down.

"Hope he does. Maybe they can knock some manners into you."

"Kazimir Ryushi Cizetto?"

Looking up, the group watches as two men in casual business clothing surround Kazimir.

"Yeah, that's me."

"We need you to come with us." one of the men says.

"Uh, okay."

"Ooh, you're in trouble now." Pierre says, smiling as he rocks his chair back and forth.

"Shut the hell up."

Following the two men out of the door, Kazimir looks over at another man who stood with his hands behind his back and a serious look plastered across his face.

"How are you today, Mr. Cizetto?"

"Alive. How about you?"

"Alright, thank you for asking. Could I have you to take a seat for me, please?"

Taking a seat, Kazimir watches as the man, pulls a folder from under his arm.

My name is Argo Fenton and I'm a representative from the Claiza City Consulate."

Handing Kazimir the folder, Argo clears his throat.

"Mr. Cizetto, I don't have any other way to tell you this and I really hate to be the one to deliver this news to you, but yesterday at around 8:17 P.M. PT, Yuriko Cizetto, Nikolai Cizetto, Christian Kasai, Shoichi Kasai, and Mirie Kasai were victims of a homicide. All 5 were pronounced dead with gunshot wounds in multiple places of the body. The Vancouver Police Department is actively searching for the perpetrator and does not know the reason as to why this took place. However, on behalf of the Claiza City Consulate, you have our full condolences."