Chapter 122

"And this is where your new neighborhood is gonna be. I recently bought a house here, it's very nice looking."

Making a small turn down the road, Kazimir drives a little further down before backing into his driveway.

"And tomorrow, I'll pick up my other car after work. You're gonna love her, Satsujin."

The small baby watches as his new father gives him a big smile, causing him to giggle.

"Now, I have to hurry and unload all of this and move it into the house. I promised Khristina I'd take her shopping for a new lamp."

Opening the driver's door, Kazimir lifts the seat forward to take Satsujin from out of the back.

"This is the best part, babyboy. I'll introduce you to your new family. You're gonna love your new mommy, too. Her name's Nia and she's the kindest woman I've ever met. Really beautiful too. Right now, she's not ready for marriage so I have to take things slowly with her. But I'll wait as long as it takes because this is the woman who I want to have my children."

Running up to the front porch, Kazimir quickly unlocks the door and enters to an empty living room.

"Khristina! Nia! I'm home and I have someone I'd like you both to meet!"

Looking down at Satsujin, Kazimir gently tickles his stomach.

"Smell that in the kitchen? That's why I gotta wait for her."

Walking downstairs, Nia turns to Kazimir and gives him a smile.

"How was your—oh, who's this?"

"Nia, I'm the new father of a small baby boy."


Running downstairs, Khristina happily runs over to Kazimir and gives him a hug.

"Hey, Khristina. Have you been resting like you should have?"

"Yeah! And you can even ask Nia for proof!"

Nia laughs and nods.

"Good." Kazimir says with a smile. "Now, I have someone I want you to meet."

Looking down at the baby carrier, Khristina peeks inside, little Satsujin giving her a smile.

"Everyone, this is Satsujin. While on a mission today, his mother left him abandoned with a note saying she didn't want him any longer and I decided to take him in."

"Does this mean you're his new dad now?" Khristina asks, sitting down next to Satsujin.


The little girl smiles as Satsujin plays with her fingers.

"Awww, he likes you Khristina."

"Hello, Satsujin! I'm gonna nickname you Satsu! Can I feed him, Mr. Kazimir?"

"Yeah, it's almost time for him to be fed again. I'll let you feed him on the way to the store for your new lamp. But first, I need to finish unloading the car."

Walking out of the house, Kazimir goes to his car and Nia follows behind.

"Kazimir, he's a very adorable little boy, but do you know what you're getting yourself into? Who's gonna watch him while you're at work?"

"Khristina's school has a daycare."

"Daycares can't always be trusted."

The young man shrugs.

"I know. But I don't have anyone else. Besides, Khristina can stay with him until I get off work. It'll be a great bonding experience for the two of them."

"And more importantly, where're his documents?"

Pulling a file folder from the front seat, Kazimir hands it to Nia, who begins to look through it.

"Kazimir, what?! His name isn't even Satsujin! It's Charlie!"

"And I didn't like it. Too common. Besides, I'll get it changed tomorrow."

Nia shakes her head and watches as Kazimir takes the baby crib from the roof of his car, placing it on his shoulder.

"Kazimir, I have a funny feeling about this. Where is his mother? I want to know the honest truth."

"That was the honest truth. His mother is an alcoholic and she just went up and missing. So I decided to take him in."


Following Kazimir inside, Nia walks up the stairs behind him.

"Kazimir, do you know what you just did?"

"I think this room might be nice for him. I like the view of the trees. It might inspire him to become adventurous as he gets a little older."

"Kazimir, you just kidnapped someone's child!"

The young detective laughs as he places the crib up against a wall.

"Nia, that is the most dumbest thing I've ever heard of."

"Hell, did the woman even leave a note?!"

"Nope, but what difference does it make? Leaving the poor boy by himself for who knows how many days. Poor kid was crying when I found him. Actually, me and a new girl found him."

"And what did she have to say?"

"The same thing as you. But everything's settled now. I've already filed the report to Uzini."

Nia turns to face a wall and throws her hands in the air.

"My goodness, Kazimir! I don't believe this!"

"Should the crib stay near the window or away from it? I think it should go near it."

"No, it shouldn't. There are too many dangers for him to be near a window. Against that wall should be a perfect fit."

Kazimir gives Nia a smile and tilts his head.

"That was a test. It seems like you do want me to keep Satsujin."

"That—no, it doesn't. I'll be back, I need to check the food."

Cutting the box open, Kazimir empties the contents onto the floor and begins to set it up.

After a half hour, the young man steps back and nods.

"Well that was easy."

"Dinner is ready, handyman."

"Thank you, Nia. I'll eat after I take Khristina out for her new lamp."

"She seems to enjoy being with Satsujin. They're watching Beauty and the Beast."

"I'm glad she does. I was worried she might not have liked the attention being drawn from her."

As Kazimir continued to unload the car, Nia helps him place the items in places that seemed to be most suitable.

"And this is the last of it."

Nia grabs a shoebox and opens it, sighing.

"You could've at least gotten him those light up shoes. All of this looks like things you like."

"That's because Satsujin is gonna take just after me."

The young woman watches as Kazimir places the shoes in the closet.

"Okay, I'll wash Satsujin's clothes after I come back. He needs a dresser so I'll pick that up too. Coming, Nia?"

Shrugging, she follows Kazimir downstairs.


"I like this blue dresser. It seems like it'd fit him."

Making his way over, Kazimir nods.

"It is nice. I'll get two of them."

Watching as he placed the dressers in the shopping cart, Nia smiles.

"Was your father strong as well?"

"A lot stronger than me. That man could lift a house."

"Oh, I think he passed a lot of his strength down to his son." Nia says with a giggle as she walks further down the aisle. "Someday, when I get married again, I want to have a little one too. Set up his or her nursery. I'd put the cutest things in it. And I'd put my baby's name on the wall. You know, the light up letters? Yes, that's what you should do with Satsujin! I think that'd be too adorable!"

"I think that would be kinda cool. But that's probably something I'll have to order online. Khristina! Are you ready to go?!"

Running out of the toy section, Khristina happily places her lamp into the shopping cart.

"Can I get this Ken chef doll too?"

"If you want it."

The little girl quickly throws it in and prances alongside Kazimir.

"Now we can go home!"

"Good because you have school tomorrow."

"But I won't get to play in my new room!" Khristina says, shaking her head.

"Schoolwork comes first, Khristina. Besides, don't you miss Miracle?"

"Yeah, I guess I kinda do."

"And I'm sure she misses you too." Nia says, giving her a smile. "I have to go to work tomorrow, too."

"See? All three of us are going to be doing something boring yet meaningful. You won't be alone, either. Satsujin will be in the daycare for as long as you're there."

The tiny baby giggles as Khristina peeks inside the carrier.

"I'm gonna show you to Miracle! She's one of my most bestest friends! She's gonna like you a lot!"