Chapter 125


Looking up from his laptop, the young detective watches as Nia stands in the doorway, hands behind her back.

"You can just enter whenever, Nia. I don't mind."

She gives him a smile and walks over to his bed.

"I thought you might be interested in seeing this. Someone left this on your front door earlier today."

"Nia, you shouldn't touch that with your bare hand; someone could've put poison on that."

"Oh, Kazimir."

Taking the note from Nia, the young detective looks down at it, murmuring the words written on it.

"So someone wants to decapitate me? In front of you all?"

"You sure have some…interesting enemies." the young woman says, hopping on the bed beside him.

"Yeah, I do. Anyway, I'd like to see this person try."

"Kazimir, you don't seem to be taking this seriously. I mean, whoever it is already knows where you lay your head."

"Nia, you don't have to be so scared. He just left this note to scare me into not showing my face in public."

Looking down, he notices a look of sorrow in her eyes and pulls her into his chest.

"I'll be careful, I prom–

"No you won't, Kazimir! You love putting yourself in danger! If you really were to promise, then you would've stopped these senseless killings months ago!"

"Senseless? The only thing senseless here is the way you're talking. Nia, you were almost raped by that one guy and you're telling me that those people don't need to be punished?! This is our system and you can't change the shit with talking it over a glass of tea!"

Cupping the woman's face, he holds it up to look into his eyes.

"And I know you know that. I understand that isn't your way of solving issues, but there's no doubt in my mind that deep down, you know my way is the only solution."

Tilting her head down, Nia sighs and shrugs.

"Kazimir, we all care about you and want you here for as long as possible. Khristina and Satsujin both need you. Obviously, I can't change your mind and I don't think I ever will. Please be cautious out there. Remember your friends and your family who are watching you from above."

She lays her head onto his chest and he rubs her back.

"I know how much of a fighter you are, but I still get worried everytime you're threatened. I only want what's best for you, Kazimir."


"Who the hell is at the door this late? Nia, watch Khristina and Satsujin for me, okay?"

Getting up from the bed, Kazimir walks downstairs and looks out of the window, seeing Dayne standing on the other side.

Before he could open the door, the older man pushes it in. Quickly noticing his hand carrying something, Kazimir knocks him to the ground, twisting his arm.


Nodding, the younger male punches the man in the mouth.

"You talk to your own mother with that mouth? As a matter of fact, I'll let you."

With a grip still on his arm, Kazimir takes Dayne's phone out of his pocket and hands it to him to enter his passcode.

"The hell?! I'm not entering shi–


Wincing in pain from his newly broken arm, Dayne enters the passcode and Kazimir snatches the phone from his hand.

"Let's see, ah, here we are."

Clicking on the contact labeled "mom", the young detective waits for Dayne's mother to answer the phone.

"Dayne! It's been so long since you called!"

"Hello?" Kazimir says, giving Dayne a sadistic look.

"Who is this? This isn't–

"Miss, I'd like to inform you that your son thought it would be a smart idea to ambush my house at 11:00 at night."

Putting the phone up to his mouth, Kazimir gives him a nod.

"Go on. Tell your mommy you're sorry."

"Mom, this bastard killed–

"Alright, it looks like he isn't acting how you raised him. Listen lady, your other son killed my family. My entire family over a woman."


"Yeah, him. Now, I have your only living son forcing his way through my house. You raised some deceitful children, but I was put on this earth to teach them and anyone else who comes after me or my family an unforgettable lesson."

"What do you mean my only living son?!" the concerned woman asks. "WHO IS THIS ON THE PHONE, DAYNE?!"

"Don't worry about that, miss. I'll be paying you and your husband a visit very soon to discuss your children's behavior. See ya!"

Hanging up the phone, Kazimir throws it onto the man's face.

"Now, what have we learned today?"


Punching the man in his mouth, the young man sighs.

"We've learned not to force our way into people's homes because it will get us killed. Or don't force your way into my house. You know the saying, a man is the protecter of his home or something like that. Well, I do hate to cut this conversation short but I do have work–


Hearing a gunshot, Nia quickly runs downstairs and watches as Kazimir stood over the lifeless male, looking down at a gunshot wound to the middle of his head.

Looking up, he gives Nia a crooked smile.

"Military background didn't change jack shit. At least he can say hello to his brother now."

Running over, Nia gives Kazimir a hug and he laughs.

"I tried to promise you I'd be okay."

— the next morning —


Turning off the alarm clock, Alexei La'rine sits up and rubs his face with his hand.

Looking over at the calendar, he smiles. Today was the day he'd been waiting for—a chance to take a test to see if he qualified for an early graduation.

Walking into the bathroom, he turns on the light, staring face to face with a small Calico kitten.

"Well, hello there." his voice still a little raspy from sleep. "How'd you get in here?"

Looking up at the ceiling, he notices the slightly open vent.

"My, you don't seem to be injured though that was quite high of a jump."


"It looks like you're a female. That's extremely rare. Well, I think I'll keep you for now. Today, I have an exam that determines if I can start my law career early or if I'll have to wait. After the exam ends, we wait for it to be graded and we'll find out this evening."

"Meow! Meow!"

The small kitten purrs up against Alexei's leg as he brushes his teeth.

"Silly me. You must be hungry. Looks like you haven't eaten in a while. After I get dressed, you can join me for breakfast."

Running out of the bathroom, the kitten lays down in front of the bed, waiting for a meal.

"Okay, okay. I'll be there in a second, love."

After washing up, he changes into his outfit for the day and picks up the little Calico.

"For breakfast, I like to have protein-based foods. You know, eggs, blueberries, avocado toast. That's what keeps me going for half of the day; sometimes up until dinner. Unfortunately, you have people like my older brother and little sister eating pizza rolls, cookies, ice cream, and nacho chips for their breakfast. Sad to say the least."

Setting the kitten down, Alexei washes his hands and opens the cabinet, taking out a glass plate and placing it on the floor.

"That'll be your plate from now on. Let's see what's on the menu for today. How about—

He pauses for a moment, looking around his refrigerator.

A breakfast burrito? After the exam, I really should go grocery shopping."


Alexei chuckles as he places the ingredients on the countertop.

"And of course, I can't forget new supplies for you."