Chapter 16: You Forced Me to Fight Back

Guo Xiang walked out of the house. Wang Guiying had already packed the things she wanted to bring into a snakeskin bag. It was originally a bag used for fertiliser, but it had been washed clean.

Guo Xiang smiled bitterly. With this outfit and a snakeskin bag, she looked exactly like a migrant worker. In her previous life, she would never have thought that she would have such a miserable day.

"Guo Xiang, how much luggage do you have? give them to me. I'll take them," Gu Zhendong extended his hand. 

"I'm carrying them," Guo Xiang patted the bag on her body.

"That's it? You should bring your winter clothes too. You never know how long you'll stay there. The north gets cold earlier in the year," Gu Zhendong was stunned.

"Your sister-in-law doesn't have any winter clothes yet," Wang Guiying was a little embarrassed. "It's alright, when you get there, ask your older brother to buy them for your sister-in-law..."

"Oh..." only then did gu Zhendong realize that Guo Xiang had only been here for two months, and the Guo family was in such a situation that they definitely did not have any dowry. He immediately felt a little embarrassed and quickly agreed. "Yes, yes, Zhennan will buy them for you. The clothes over there look better too..."

Guo Xiang smiled and did not say anything.

Guo'er walked over and hugged Guo Xiang, "Guo Xiang, I can't bear to part with you. Come back soon!"

Guo Xiang pursed her lips.

Wang Guiying smiled, "yes, come back soon, come back soon."

To Wang Guiying, if Guo Xiang came home, it would mean that she had become pregnant and she would become a grandmother. 

Guo Xiang stroked Guo'er's little head. "Guo'er, be good at home. Study hard and don't let Mom worry. Don't let your kung fu fall behind when I'm not around. In the future, you will have to protect Mom..."

Guo Xiang raised her head to look at Guo Xiang. She felt that something sounded off, but she could not tell what it was.

"Guo Xiang, let's Go!" Gu Zhendong carried the snakeskin bag. He could see that his sister-in-law was reluctant to leave. He was quite touched. He did not expect his sister-in-law to develop such a deep relationship with her family in such a short period of time. It seemed that there was no need to worry about her life with Big Brother.

Wang Guiying and Guo'er sent the two out of the door. They watched them leave until they walked far. 

"Mom, when do you think Guo Xiang will come back?" Guo'er asked.

For some reason, she felt a little uneasy. She kept feeling that her sister-in-law was a little strange just now.

"I can't say for sure. When she comes back, you will become an aunt," Wang Guiying's face was full of joy. She could already see her daughter-in-law coming back with a big belly.

Gu Zhendong and Guo Xiang arrived at the town together and then went to the bus station to transfer to the county.

"Zhendong, why don't you go back? I can do it by myself," Guo Xiang said.

"That won't do. Mother said that I should send you to the train station. If she knows that I'm only sending you to the town, she won't forgive me," Gu Zhendong shook his head. "Besides, Guo Xiang, you're not familiar with the county. I need to take you to the train station and buy tickets for you."

"Okay!" Guo Xiang nodded. Oh well, she should just let him be. It would also save her the trouble of asking around.

It was already past eleven when they arrived at the county. Once they reached the train station, Gu Zhendong went to buy the ticket. Fortunately, he managed to get one.

"Guo Xiang, the train is at four in the afternoon, but there's no direct train. You have to change trains at Shen City. This is the ticket to Shen City. Once you arrive at Shen City, you'll have to buy the ticket yourself." Gu Zhendong handed the ticket to Guo Xiang.

"Okay!"Guo Xiang nodded. She looked at the ticket and stuffed it into her bag.

"It's still early. Why don't we eat something first?" Gu Zhendong said again.

Guo Xiang nodded. She wasn't really hungry, but Gu Zhendong would need travel back home. He would get hungry if he didn't eat anything.

"Shall we go and get a bowl of rice noodles?" Guo Xiang asked.

"You can eat it. I have sweet potatoes here," Gu Zhendong smiled innocently.

Guo Xiang pursed her lips. She knew that Gu Zhendong didn't want to spend money, but he was willing to spend it for her. She felt a little uncomfortable.

"Then I won't have it either. I still have eggs here," Guo Xiang said.

The two found seats in the waiting room. Guo Xiang took out an egg and handed it to Gu Zhendong. He shook his head, "No, you should eat it. I don't need any."

"Actually... I don't like to eat boiled eggs. I was too embarrassed to say it when Mom gave it to me," Guo Xiang smiled.

Especially on the train, people who ate eggs might not think so, but those who smelled them on the side would find them especially stinky. She knew this very well, so she really hated people eating eggs on the train.

"Really?" Gu Zhendong was stunned. There were people out there who didn't like eggs? He usually couldn't eat them even if he wanted to.

"Really, help me eat some of them," Guo Xiang took three eggs and stuffed them into Gu Zhendong's hands. There were still three eggs in the bag. He probably wouldn't accept all of them, so she just kept them.

"Three is too many. Just one will do," Gu Zhendong waved his hand quickly.

"It told you to take them, so take them!" Guo Xiang raised her voice.

She gave Gu Zhendong a fright. His face turned red and he nodded. He picked up the eggs and knocked them on the chair to peel off the eggshells.

He almost choked because he was eating too fast. Guo Xiang quickly took out a small enamel cup from her bag, "I have a cup here. Go get some hot water."

"It's okay. I'll just drink some water from the faucet over there," Gu Zhendong waved his hand.

"You'll have diarrhea if you eat eggs and drink cold water," said Guo Xiang. "Besides, I would like some water too."

Gu Zhendong paused for a moment. He took the cup and went to get some water from the hot water tap. It only took him a few minutes.

"Guo Xiang, here you are. Be careful, it's hot," Gu Zhendong handed the cup to her, and his face turned red again. "I, I haven't had any yet..."

Guo Xiang took the cup. It seemed that his younger brother knew his limits. Oh well, there was no point being super formal with him. 

The two of them ate. Guo Xiang asked Gu Zhendong to go home first. She could wait here by herself. Otherwise, there would be no bus home if he waited too late.

When the train arrived at four o'clock, Guo Xiang did not squeeze towards the gate with others. She had a ticket anyway, so it did not matter when she went to the gate. She bought a seat ticket. She could not afford a sleeper, and it was not easy to get one anyway.

When she got on the train and found her seat in the row, she put the snakeskin bag on the luggage rack. Then, she looked at her seat and found that someone was already sitting on it.

A young man with long hair was wearing a flowery shirt and bell-bottomed jeans. Although this outfit did not fit the surrounding environment, it was very fashionable at this time. He probably had been to a big city.

Many people peeked at him in surprise but did not dare to make a sound. The man looked at the people around him with pride and disdain. To him, they were a bunch of country bumpkins.

However, Guo Xiang have met all sorts of people in her previous life. To her, his outfit was extremely lame.

"Mister, please move aside. This is my seat!" Guo Xiang stood in front of the man with the flowery shirt.

A look of surprise flashed across the man's eyes. However, when he looked at her clothes, he knew that she was from the countryside. He immediately raised his head high.

"Your seat? I came first. If I sit here, it's mine," the man said as he raised his head.

Guo Xiang frowned. A specific seat would be allocated to each ticket. First come, first served was not how this worked. 

"Besides, just because you claim it to be yours, it doesn't mean it's actually yours. Try calling it and see if it will answer you," the man raised his triangular eyes and looked at Guo Xiang.

Guo Xiang raised her eyebrows. What a troublesome person. 

"Of course it won't answer me. However, I can prove that it's mine," Guo Xiang took out the ticket and waved it. "I have a ticket. This seat is mine."

"Who doesn't have a ticket? I have one too," the flowery shirt looked disdainful.

"Then show me your ticket and I'll see whether this seat belongs to you. Maybe you've made a mistake," Guo Xiang said patiently.

"Why should I show you? Who do you think you are? If I say it's mine, then it's mine. What can you do about it? Country bumpkin, if you keep pestering me, don't blame me for being rude to you!" The man said fiercely.

This country bumpkin probably wouldn't dare to do anything to him She might back off after a scare.

"Miss, just leave him be," someone on the side advised kindly.

It was obvious that this man wasn't a good person. If they made a fuss, the little girl would still be at a disadvantage.

"Yeah, forget it. Come here, you can share my seat," an aunty on the side said.

"Let's not argue..." the person opposite them also said.

"Do you think I'm gonna back off?" Guo Xiang laughed in anger. Her face darkened. She grabbed the man by the collar and lifted him up. "I've tried talking to you and you wouldn't listen. Are you forcing me to fight?"

"W-What are you doing? Let Go, let go now!" The man turned red. He didn't expect this girl to be so strong. He wanted to break free but he couldn't. Moreover, she was taller than him. It was really embarrassing.

"Let go of me! Otherwise, I won't hold back!"The man shouted and reached out to grab Guo Xiang's hand.

Guo Xiang twisted his hand and grabbed the man's collar. She held his neck and spun him around to prevent him from touching her hand. The man felt dizzy after the spin. Guo Xiang threw him aside and sneered, "What are you gonna do?"

The man sat on the ground, and the people beside him burst into laughter.

"Oh, you're sitting on the ground? That's so nice of you!"

"I didn't expect you to be such a wuss!"

"You got some skills, girl!" Everyone shouted.

The man in the flowery shirt was furious. However, he knew that Guo Xiang was not easy to deal with, so he did not dare to go forward again. he shouted, "just you wait!"

He got up and ran, stumbling along the way. 

Guo Xiang pursed her lips. What the hell?