Chapter 21: You're Robbing Me!

Guo Xiang left the train station and got on the bus into the city. She was very curious about this strange city. As expected of a big city, people came and went, and there was a constant flow of traffic. There must be a lot of job opportunities in such a place, right?

Should I look for a job here? This idea suddenly popped up in Guo Xiang's mind.

If I earn some money and return it to Gu Zhennan, wouldn't the divorce be a lot easier? 

I can't find any opportunities to earn money in a poor county like Xiangnan. Maybe I can try here?


CurrenTly, Guo Xiang didn't have any qualifications or skills. The only thing she knew was medicine. However, this was not something that could be displayed casually. Who would dare to hire a girl from the countryside who doesn't have a medical license to operate on? Even she wouldn't. 

Was becoming a waitress, a janitor, or a nanny her only option?

But in her previous life, she was the one being served by others. She couldn't bring herself to serve other people. 

Moreover, the enterprises nowadays were usually state-owned enterprises. The number of waiters and janitors were all planned in the books. It wasn't easy to just go in there and get yourself a job. 

Guo Xiang smiled bitterly. Could she only be a nanny? 

Anyway, since she was here, she might as well go take a look.

Guo Xiang asked the bus conductor, "Sir, do you know where the recruitment agency is?"

"Recruitment agency?" The conductor was puzzled.

Uh... It was probably not called a recruitment agency back then. 

"It's... It's a place that introduces jobs. Where can I find a job?" Guo Xiang asked.

"Oh, you're here to look for a job?" The conductor suddenly realized and looked at Guo Xiang. "You're looking for a job as a nanny, right?"

Guo Xiang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Did she really look like she could be a nanny? 

"There isn't a place that specializes in introducing jobs," The conductor thought for a while, "however, there are many people gathered around Nanguan Road. It has become a place for job-seeking. If someone wants to move houses, transport goods, or find a nanny, they all go to that area to look for employees."

"Is that so? Which stop should I get off at?" Guo Xiang asked.

"I'll tell you when we get there," the conductor said warmly.

"Thank you so much," Guo Xiang nodded. As expected, people in the northeast were all extremely hospitable. 

When they arrived at the station, the conductor let Guo Xiang get off the bus and gave her directions. Guo Xiang thanked him profusely and went in the direction the conductor told her to go.

When she walked there, she saw that it was indeed not a formal recruitment agency. Everyone was squatting beside the wall, like those migrant workers who did physical labor. 

When they saw that someone had come, everyone stood up. However, when they saw that Guo Xiang did not look like she was looking for workers, but rather, she looked like she was looking for a job, they were instantly discouraged.

A few middle-aged women in their thirties and forties stared at Guo Xiang for a long time. They looked unhappy, as if they were afraid that Guo Xiang would snatch their jobs.

Guo Xiang walked around and there were people who came to look for workers. However, they were usually looking for manual labor, and there were also people who were looking for nannies. However, most of them were looking for older people. Moreover, the salary was ridiculously low. It was only more than twenty yuan a month, and there were no rest days.

It was not that Guo Xiang was being unreasonable. She really could not do it. She did not know how to do housework, and they probably wouldn't want her. 

She walked away in disappointment. Just as she was about to leave, she heard two passers-by talking.

One of them said, "Tan Laosi is so unreliable. Why didn't he come when we had clearly agreed? I'm about to set off."

"Ugh, who knew that something would happen to his family now..."

"Then what should we do? Can we find someone at the last minute?"

"Let's go and have a look. If it really doesn't work out, we'll find a big guy. Even if he doesn't know kung fu, at least he'll look scary."

"There's nothing else we can do." 

Guo Xiang heard them and felt like she had a chance. They were going to find someone who knew kung fu, and she did.

"Um, hi guys..." Guo Xiang walked forward. One of them was wearing a white shirt, black trousers, and black leather shoes. It was obvious that he was the boss. Guo Xiang went up to him and asked, "are you looking for workers?"

"No, no, go away!" The other man in khaki waved his hand impatiently as if he was chasing away flies.

"Take me, I can do the job!" Guo Xiang continued to recommend herself.

"No, we don't want a nanny!" The white shirt shook his head.

Guo Xiang was speechless. Did she really look like a nanny?

"I'm not a nanny. I know kung fu, real kung fu!" Guo Xiang blocked him.

"Go away. What are you doing?" Yellow shirt was getting a little annoyed. He reached out his hand to push Guo Xiang away.

The white shirt treated her a little better, "Miss, we really don't need a nanny. Don't waste your time with us. Go over there and find some other job."

Guo Xiang didn't move away. Yellow shirt pushed his hand over. Guo Xiang grabbed his wrist and twisted it. She threw yellow shirt over her shoulder.

"Huh?" The white shirt stopped and looked at Guo Xiang in surprise.

Guo Xiang was speechless, "I told you I'm not a nanny!"

The yellow shirt jumped up. He was not angry. He looked at Guo Xiang in surprise, "I didn't expect you to be so skilled. But I wasn't prepared just now. Why Don't we try again?"

"Let's go!" Guo Xiang raised her eyebrows and took a step forward. He clenched his fists and jumped up rhythmically.

"It seems that you've had experience!" The man in the yellow shirt was excited. He raised his fist and tried to punch Guo Xiang in the face.

Guo Xiang tilted her head and dodged easily. Her right hand clenched into a fist and punched at the yellow-shirted man's face. The yellow-shirted man lowered his head to dodge, but he did not expect this to be a feint. Guo Xiang's left hand hit his abdomen with a downward hook.

With a bang, there was a sharp pain in his abdomen, and the yellow-shirted man kneeled down.

Guo Xiang raised her leg to kick him in the head.

"Stop!" The white-shirted man shouted.

The tip of her foot stopped at the yellow shirt's temple, and cold sweat came out of yellow shirt's forehead.

Guo Xiang curled the corner of her mouth and withdrew her foot.

Actually, she didn't really want to kick him. The two of them were just sparring, and there was no need to hurt him.

"Zichen, she's not bad. She seems to be stronger than me!" The yellow-shirted man rubbed his stomach as he stood up, his eyes shining.

"I can see that," Yi Zichen nodded.

One really could not judge a book by its cover. Who would have thought that a person dressed as a nanny would be an expert?

"The thing is, I need to hire somebody because of this errand down south..." Yi Zichen said.

"You're looking for a bodyguard, right?" Guo Xiang raised her eyebrows.

"You know?" Yi Zichen was surprised. During the 80s, people didn't really say the word "bodyguard" as people often related the term to gangs. 

"Yes!" Guo Xiang nodded. In her previous life, there were many things like this. In the past, her brother also wanted to hire a bodyguard for her, but she rejected him. She didn't want to have someone following her around all day. She wanted her sense of freedom. 

The man in the yellow shirt clicked her tongue. he wanted to say that one couldn't judge a book by its cover. Who knew that he could find someone so great at kung fu in a place like this? 

Furthermore, she was a woman too. 

"Where exactly are you going?" Guo Xiang asked.

"South Yunnan, Li City," Yi Zichen said.

"Jade ware? Stone gambling?" Guo Xiang frowned.

"You know about this?" The two were shocked. They wondered if this girl was a spy sent by their competitors. 

"I just guessed!" Guo Xiang said lightly, "there's nothing else I can do in that place."

However, South Yunnan was quite chaotic and unsafe right now. Guo Xiang frowned.

"How long will the trip take?" Guo Xiang asked.

"Ten days at most," Yi Zichen said.

Guo Xiang nodded. After pondering for a moment, she stretched out a finger, "1000 yuan!"

"You might as well just rob me!" The man in the yellow shirt exclaimed.