
Then the Imperial Master had made a huge mistake!

How dare he lie to the King!

When the Imperial Master returned a while ago, what he said was that Prince Muyi was socializing with the princes from the Saint Divine Land and even the King, and that he was conducting some secretive deals. The Imperial Master claimed that he was a barrier for him while there, and that Prince Muyi was worried that he would learn of his own secretive plan, so he gave him a criminal title and dispatched him back to the Feather Mulberry Land.

When the King heard the story a while back, he got really furious. That was why he did not listen to any of what Prince Muyi said, nor did he want to hear any explanation from Prince Muyi and grounded him directly.

He was in his flourishing years, and when the former King passed away, he was in his 60s. Therefore, he as a man in his 40s could live much longer and could sit on the throne for more than a decade.