Stepping On Gu Qiqi ruthlessly


Xiao Ning was unhappy when she heard this.

A second ago, Little Master Xiao Ning was still tired and timid. But in the next second, she became energetic and immediately seemed to stand 2.8 meters tall.

She protected the petite Gu Qiqi behind her and raised his voice.

"Hey, Bai Yingzhu, watch your mouth! I can smell your smelly mouth from ten miles away. Don't you brush your teeth in the morning?"

Seeing the boys from the veterinary school cover their noses with indescribable expressions, Bai Yingzhu's face flushed red. She placed her hands on her hips. "You! Xiao Ning, you're talking nonsense! Are you still from the Bai family? You actually helped that country bumpkin speak. She was originally a product of high scores and low abilities. She only knows how to do the college entrance exam paper and doesn't have any other skills. Head Shen Ping even thinks she's trash and doesn't want her! Am I wrong?"