
At the Stone Gambling Hall in Dige.

The lights were bright and the atmosphere was lively.

Gu Qiqi only flashed Gong Jue's black diamond card at the door before she successfully entered.

This was the first time that she had come to such a high-end gambling stone venue where the big-shots mixed together. Thus, she wasn't in a hurry to make a move. Instead, she calmed down and quietly observed the operating rules in the venue for a while to see how the other customers called for a price and competed.

Soon, she understood everything.

Dige's stone gambling rules had two kinds: bidding and choosing blindly.

The so-called bidding was like ordinary stone gambling dens. They placed all the jade and untrimmed quarry stones out and marked the base price. Everyone chose the untrimmed quarry stones that they liked. If no one competed, they could naturally take them away. If someone competed, the highest bidder would win.