Actually Meeting Gong Jue!

Bai Mori's heart tightened.

Had Gu Qiqi and Gong Jue's relationship developed into such a close relationship? Did they have such unconditional trust?

It had to be known that even a couple who had been together for many years would find it difficult to choose to believe each other immediately when they heard unpredictable rumors.

How could Gu Qiqi be so confident that Gong Jue didn't change her profession for her?

Was she too careless and… too late?

She suddenly felt a little anxious.

She quickly made a call. "Yingzhu, I heard that you went to the discipline office in the afternoon to report Gu Qiqi?"

She hoped to hear the expected answer so that she could feel at ease.

But what she didn't expect was…

A series of weak sobs traveled over the phone. "Auntie, that little b*tch Xiao Ning actually invited Little Uncle over. Wuwuwuwu, I was scolded by Little Uncle like a dog…"

Bai Mori wasn't interested in Xiao Ning.