Her Scream

As more and more blood was drawn, Bai Mori felt a little dizzy.

Bai Mori felt a little dizzy.

She felt that life was slowly draining from her body.

No, she couldn't die. She wasn't married to Gong Jue yet. She couldn't let that little b*tch Gu Qiqi off so easily!

Unfortunately, she was powerless and was completely under the control of others. Those vicious methods that she usually used were completely useless in front of an absolutely crushing force.

Just as she was about to lose consciousness…


There was a loud sound!

The sniper bullet pierced through the glass window of the laboratory and went straight into the heart of one of the assassins.

This sudden attack shocked Fu Mao, who was drawing blood. In order to avoid the bullet, he quickly rolled on the ground. Even Bai Mori fell heavily to the ground and let out a painful groan.