Chapter 1624 Drama Queen! 1

Gu Xuexue concluded that Gu Qiqi no longer had gong jue as her backing and had become the focus of discussion on the Internet. The Gu family would definitely not accept a slut who did not keep a low profile and loved to be in the limelight.

Therefore, she could return to the Gu family confidently.

Even though she did not have her mother’s support now, it was still much better than that little slut Gu Qiqi, right?

Gu Qiqi was abandoned by Gong Jue, the condemned criminal!

Even the condemned criminal didn’t care about that B * TCH. This scandal was enough for the B * Tch to suffer for several years!

She revealed a happy expression and hurried back to the GU family.

Just as she entered, she heard old master Gu and Old Madam Gu arguing in the study. She could even vaguely hear Gu Qiqi’s name.

She was even more surprised -- she didn’t expect the GU family to be cursing the little B * Tch so soon?

She walked towards the study room.

The argument was getting louder and louder