Chapter 2694-the IQ of the Big President Trumps 1

Bai yeyuan said confidently, “My job is to do my job. I’m focused and I won’t provoke the opposite sex that I shouldn’t! Of course it’s perfect!”

Xiao Ning:”...”

F * ck, she could not refute him.

Thinking about it carefully, he really did not seem to have any contact with the opposite sex at work. Even his secretaries, assistants and bodyguards were all men.

That was not right.

Wait, what did he mean by that?

It was as if she was always provoking men at work!

She did not!

“Hey, Hey... Bai Yeyuan, make it clear. When I work, it’s also purely work. Don’t slander me...”

“Go away. I’m going to take a shower.”

“Bai Yeyuan, you just took a shower last night. Why are you taking a shower? You’re not allowed to take a shower. That’s my body!”

“I’m in charge now!”

“I... I don’t agree! You’re not allowed to touch my body under the pretext of taking a shower!”

“You can touch it back if you want -- my body is with you anyway. You can touch it however you want.”