Chapter 3072: Every Time I Come, you commit suicide? 1

Ye Yi frowned. “How did this happen? Didn’t you stop her?”

The nurse said, “It’s because we stopped her. If it wasn’t for our head of the psychiatric department personally holding a hacksaw, sawing through the door lock and rushing in, she would have died long ago. “You don’t know. When we went in, her hamstrings were all broken by herself. The scratches on her arms were so deep that her bones could be seen. The scariest thing was her face...”

Ye Yi asked, “What happened to her face?”

The nurse sighed. “She almost destroyed her own face. The fragments scratched a few places. If she wasn’t so depressed and mentally deranged, a girl wouldn’t have hit her face so hard... If you had come half an hour earlier, you would have seen the terrible scene of her self-destruction...”

Half an hour earlier?

Wasn’t that when they rushed back from the courthouse?

If they had entered the elevator at that time, they would have seen this scene.