Chapter 3934 was probably poisonous! 1

It was obviously a low-level slander, but it was actually a ridicule!

Huo Qingtong was so angry that he was about to die.

He knew that Yun Qiao was the artist that Feng Chu valued the most. If Yun Qiao was slandered by the show today, Feng Chu would definitely be unhappy.

Therefore, he had to give it his all to help Yun Qiao.

But now, it was a live broadcast, not on Weibo. He could send out a message saying “I trust in Xiao Qiao’s character”, and everyone would respond to it. He could use his influence to help Xiao Qiao clear her name.

He had to say something more important.

Just as Huo Qingtong was very anxious and racked his brain to explain for Yun Qiao, the screen in front of him suddenly changed!


Was the director’s hand shaking? did he switch back to the television station’s scene?

He saw that the television news was broadcasting an unexpected incident --