Some casual robbery

Going through already dark streets, I was a really strange sight for nearly anyone that was fortunate or unfortunate enough to see me.

Why you ask ? Quite simple actually. I was carrying my mom on my back, her being way taller than me. And while I would struggle to carry her myself, my ability, or now called 'quirk', allowed me to do it rather easily, simply lifting her slightly into the air and creating an illusion of me carrying her.

I mean, her just levitating back to her apartment probably wouldn't be all that weird. Strange powers required quite a change in mindset of people that stood by and watched. Or as a certain person would say, 'Modern problems require Modern changes.'

Still, while going back I did get some stares, however not because of people finding me carrying her strange, rather ...

Them thinking that she was dead-ass-drunk. And as much as I would like to deny that claim, it probably did look like that from a side perspective.

Hurrying my steps, after few dozens of minutes, we made it into our apartment. My mom was already stirring awake, however still having some problems with moving.

Maybe she was under too much stress ? She did get aimed at, maybe that's why ?

Let's hope so.

"Mhhhhmn ... C-Chara ? Where are we at ?"

Said a voice from behind me. I did already put her down, having her sitting against a wall of a staircase. There was no one around us, excluding other people at their respective accommodations.

"We are on a staircase to our apartment. Can you stand up, mom ?"

I looked down on her sitting self, feeling kind of ... annoyed ? No, it isn't annoyance, it doesn't feel like that ... amusement of sorts ? Maybe. Situation like that had me wondering who is an adult in here.

Massaging back of her head, my mom tried standing up. And yes, she succeeded on her first try. Round of applause please.

Continuing on her own, she opened the door and stumbled into our humble abode.

Still plagued with dizziness, she fell face first onto the couch, trying to seemingly fall asleep in hope of getting rid of an apparent headache which infected her mind.

I was left standing awkwardly staring at the whole thing happening, all while still standing at the door. Sighing, I entered and closed the door.

It was quite late already, considering a limited amount of light falling into the room. Looking back into the clock on the wall, my suspicion was confirmed to be true. It was already 8 PM. When did it pass ? Is there a different time conversion in here or something ? ... No, it wasn't that. Not even close.

I can't be going ahead and blaming laws of the world for every strange thing happening, or it at least seems so. This world is already weird on its own.

"Mom ?"

I decided to see if mother was still awake, which I honestly doubted. Even if this whole show was an act, she would have to be quite an actress to pull such a believable scene off.

To no surprise, no response can back, signifying her either sleeping or continuing an act, with the former being the more possible than the later one.

Now assured that she is asleep, I could begin some bigger testing. Opening the door once more, I slipped out of the house, making sure to lock the door shut. I still had to go back two times not being sure that I locked it, only to find it, locked.

I was dressed in the same clothes as the one that I made my way around in only few minutes ago.

I decided that before I will begin what I was to do, I really need some more of these, simply because having only one pair of clothes is just stupid. What if it rips ? You are left to go nude or order online, with later taking typically a few days to deliver.

Now, how I am to acquire more ? I won't be taxing my mom with this, simply because I don't want her to worry about the expanses that it would provide. And she would probably go nuts with buying them, so it is a big no.

So, there are few possible answers to this.

First one is a good way. I go begging around for some clothing and maybe, get one ... yeah, why I am mentioning this ? To preserve what little of a justly person I am ? Maybe.

Then, there are other options, which I will probably end up going for anyway. I am meaning robbery of course, if some dead-brains didn't come to this conclusion already.

But, why robbery ? That is a crime ! This is bad !

I piss on such a weak mentality. What the funk you want to amount with a 'good' mindset ? Become a hero of the people ? Go crushing villains that you have no knowledge off, putting them behind the bars simply because they do something unjust ? Quite harsh I say.

To add to that, I am simply ... not qualified for other options. Look at it from other perspective.

I am but a simple person. Not great at school subjects and a lazy piece of garbage.

But what I can do, is fight. I just excel at physical exercises, be it fighting, athletics or gymnastics. Now, what would be a job for me ? Assuming that I am without education and no qualifications, only jobs I see as available are those of the lowest, with a barely manageable paycheck.

Become a hero ? That is a bullshit, I ain't wearing no spandex. My mentality is also not in place for it.

So, what is the answer for me to live a good life and staying entertained ? Simple ! Becoming a Villain !

They may be shunned by a society, but if you are quite good at escaping and fighting, which I am, you are a free person and are able to just rob whoever you want !

What ? There are cons ? What cons ? As long as you are powerful enough, no one is able to dictate you what to do, even more, you can creat your own illegal organization ! No matter how you look at it, you can't tell me it isn't a cool dream to have.

Going back, we have:

- Sneaky Way !

This way prioritizes me making my way inside through the back of the shop, disabling cameras and then a lot of waiting for a perfect opportunity.

Advantages to that are quite simple. I don't get spotted and no unnecessary victims.

Disadvantages ? It is fricking boring ! I was born, I was raised, I was trained for frontal assaults ! This is not my style !

- Frontal Way !

Now, we have my favorite option. Tactic ? I blast the front door open and knock the shit out of all the people inside.

Advantages ? None !

Disadvantages ? All !

And that is how I love it ! ... or I would if I was an adult.

My posture as a kid isn't quite helpful in this matter, it will betray my height and will allow authorities to identify that I am the culprit simply by checking each kid in the area.

Back in my days as a hunter, even before that, I always remembered the strict rules that my campus featured. Many members did not appreciate them and acted against them. No matter who did what, and no matter how well he hid it, true culprit was always found and punished for insubordination and ignorance of the rules. I have no goddamn idea how they were able to do that back there, but I am taking no chance in here for that.

Even if this world is weaker by a significant margin, I won't by any means underestimate weird functions of abilities in here. For all I know, there can be a quirk that allows someone to look back or forward in time.

I am taking no chances, not for now.

I opted for the sneaky way, even if I didn't really feel like it. My identity had to be protected, at least for now. Age of a child is an incredible chance for me, simply because of bonds I could make. This new addition to my ability will surely cause trouble to me, be it simply by adults and kids detesting me, a discrimination may start. I mean, it is here already, it is in every world. Only that mine did not try to hide it.

It would really make my childhood harder, but what can I do about it, really ? Nothing, not without just going around and shredding people down with my power, only to be labeled as a villain later on.

Well, let's back away from such a things, I will deal with them as they near closer. With a force if necessary.

While talking to myself, I have already localized a target of my to-be-robbery. It was your everyday shop selling already worn clothes. For quite a cheap price may I add. It wouldn't hurt to rob them then.

I first circled around the shop, making sure to spot any cameras if possible ... only to spot none. Okay, I get that we are in a quite poor district, but come on, no security from a government even ? Not even one ?!

With this approach and only sending heroes around, there will be nearly no change in number of villains. Unless they get executed, which I honestly doubt.

Approaching the shop from behind, I get a hold of the door and try opening them silently. Of course, they are closed, meaning that I had to seek the other way-

Kidding, I have a power for a reason.

Shaping a black mass of energy on my finger, I insert it into a keyhole. Once it was inside, I grab a hold of it mentally, melding it into the shape of a key that was able to open a door. After few seconds of attempt, I was able to force them open. Yes, I could just blast them open, and I would. But I am on a sneak-in mission, sneak-in came from somewhere didn't it ?

Silently entering, I materialize a thick fog of black mass around my body and switch on my [Darker Location].

As mentioned earlier, I am not going to be risking anything. For all I know, a camera could be installed inside, instead of outside. Also, my dumb self wasn't able to correctly count people inside. Instead of 2 that I spotted earlier, there were five of them. So, what was the plan ? ... Well, I was to just appear before the two people in the store and knock them out cold ... but with five people ? It makes things a little bit harder. Aside of my face, I wanted to keep whatever knowledge of my power that someone can get from this to a minimum. Me able to envelop myself with a fog IS an information.

I know I may be dramatic about all of this, but such a minor details do, for a fact, matter. At least to me.

As such, I decided on a non-direct confrontation. Instead of fist fighting, I opted for knocking them out from a distance. As such, I sat on the floor and started to focus.

Front doors would normally be a problem and so, they must be blocked. Extending my reach, black energy traveled from within my core towards the doors, generating a sturdy chain in-between the handles. One problem out of the way.

Next thing I did, was to check for any kind of ventilation. As much as it wasn't crucial for the plan, I still looked for it just in case.

Confirming only one, I started working on a particular way to use my ability. It is too costly to maintain for a long amount of time, but now, with an enhanced amount of the energy I possess, it should be easily able to affect the whole shop. Putting my hand on a door frame aimed towards the insides of the shop, I started my spell, [Crimson Gas], or rather [Dark Gas]. I know that the name sounds rather simplistic, but it is quite effective in closed spaces.

As the name suggests, I convert my energy into a gas, heavier than the air itself. It usually had a red color, but now ? It was changed into a dark one, looking rather terrifyingly as it crawled across the floor, it's quantity raising quickly.

I denied its advance as the gas tried to creep inside the room where I was in. I was, by no means, scared of it. No, if it tried to enter my room it would only be a waste of energy. We don't do that here.

After few seconds people finally noticed a dark fog spreading rapidly in their direction. There was a shriek or two, I wasn't concerned about this one.

All five of them quickly ran towards the door, trying to pry it open, to no use however. With gas quickly starting to reach their shoulders, they wanted to try breaking the windows-

Too bad.

I started manipulating the gas to stick towards them, bind them and get them down onto the floor. With this five of them were down and struggling to breath, until the last one passed up. After this, I casually yeeted the gas through the ventilation and out into the atmosphere for it to disperse when it gets out of my range. With this, I approached the cash register and picked up a few bags, all of them were picked up with energy of course. No finger prints can be left. Speaking of them-

I got back to the door first and sprayed it with energy and ordered it to stick to the surface and clean the whole thing cleaner than it was when it went out of production hall.

With bags in hand, I started my little shopping.

I picked up few blouses, T-shirts, shorts, pants. Whatever there was to have until they were full. I didn't really bother picking ones suited to my own gender, I didn't mind having men or woman clothes, as long as I had something on me.

Size ? Doesn't matter, it is even better when it is bigger, cloth will serve for longer that way.

Of course, I didn't pick a literal everything up. I am not wearing a fucking T-shirt with a yellow sparkling rat on it screaming 'Piiikaaaaaa'. Let's have some decency.

With these bags in my hand, I retreat from a shop, not forgetting to unlock the front doors and lock the one on the back.

As such, I inscoupciously exit while pretending everything is fine.

And with this, my first robbery is complete ! I don't really know if I should be celebrating or be worried that I wanted to celebrate ?

Naturally, I left the money intact. It wasn't a point of the robbery anyway and it is hard living here, they will need that money more than I do.

I do hope everyone there lives. It wasn't entirely harmless spell, it did cut off oxygen delivery towards the brain ... Welp, their problem to deal with I guess. I am not about to rush back, hand them back their clothes and say 'sorry for breaking in !'

Now that I think about it, three people did look kinda rich. Maybe I could take their money ? Nah, too late already.

Now that I have some proper clothing and committed some war crimes, I should be able to do what I originally intended. There must be a beach around here, yes ?

Walking around for some minutes and following signs, I finally made it onto one. It was quite neatly clean, with not a single soul present on it in this wonderful night. With this, I could finally start.

A physical training !

One of literal favorite activities of mine. Other than drinking apple juice, fighting and training, spending time with close friends, spending time with frisk-

... Ok, just one of my favorite activities.

And why beside the sea ? Cause it gives a vibe, just because of that.

Hardening the ground around me, I begun with simple push-ups. My record was 900, let's see how well I do now-

... Barely 20.

After that, I was on a ground, my lungs wishing for air, my muscles screaming, endangered to rip apart.

'Child's body is simply not enough, it isn't made to handle such exercises. It would be better to give it up for now and wait for your body to develop.'

That is what normal people would say.

What do I say ?

"200 more !"

I will be dying by the end, but who the fuck cares ?! If muscles rip, they will regenerate. If lungs collapse, I will force them back in place. If bones break, I will simply put them back together.

I swear I am getting this abs by the end of the month.

[Well, cut right one here, quite a suitable moment to end.

I don't really have anything to say beside-

Give me reviews or your soul. The choice is yours
