Chapter 1: A New World!

"Someone is over there, throw a dart there, Sova," Tatsumi says through the voice chat in the game he's playing. The person who controls the character Sova followed his order and shot a dart, and Tatsumi was right! The dart marked the enemy's position and Sova rushed in to kill the enemy with a Phantom.

Tatsumi drinks his energy drink and ate some Doritos. Tatsumi is playing a shooter game called, Valorant, it is a game that was released in 2020. It has a bunch of characters with abilities and guns. Tatsumi is very good at the game, earning the top rank, Radiant. The map that he is playing on right now is Haven.

After that round, the score is 12-10 with Tatsumi's team in the lead, Tatsumi's character is Jett, a duelist character in Valorant, her abilities are smoke, jump dash, and dash. Tatsumi is planning on using Jett's ultimate, which makes the character equip 5 knives, dealing 50 damage each on body and instakill on the head. The buy phase ends and Tatsumi immediately pops out Jett's ultimate, Tatsumi tries to locate the enemies but immediately comes back to A site to rotate over to C site, which is getting rushed by the enemy team, the Reyna on the enemy team kills the Reyna and Omen in Tatsumi's team.

Sova shoots a recon dart over to the C site, marking almost all the players in the enemy team, once that Sova marked almost all the players in the enemy team, Tatsumi does his play, he dashes from C Link to C Site on the crates in the defender's side, headshots the Killjoy on the enemy team, the enemy team's Brimstone smokes C Long, Garage and C Link, which is where Tatsumi is, but Tatsumi jump dashed in top of the crates, the enemy Reyna kills Sova and Sage. Tatsumi shoots one of the knives into the enemy Brimstone's head, killing him, and gets another kill when Phoenix tried to do a double team with Brimstone.

The enemy Sage is nowhere to be found but she is actually hiding inside C Cubby, waiting for the Spike to be defused. Of course, Tatsumi is smart enough to outplay that kind of strat. Reyna finds Tatsumi and shoots at him, Tatsumi dashed back to cover, he unequipped the knives for a moment and used his Vandal, he shoots at the enemy Reyna but she is also behind cover.

Tatsumi used the smokes to cover himself while crossing over but it is a trick to get Reyna to shoot and expose her opening, and she fell for it! Tatsumi comes back to her original spot and jumps on top of the metal crate and found Reyna, He headshots Reyna with her Vandal.

It's only the Sage left, Tatsumi fake defuses the spike, Sage is also smart to not peek yet, Tatsumi does it again and this time, Sage peeks but just the time that she peeks, Tatsumi instakills her with the knives. Tatsumi successfully defuses the Spike and wins the game, 13-10, everyone said, "gg" in the chat as it ended. Tatsumi stretches his arms and says,

"Well. I guess that's it for today"

He closes the game and it reverted him back to the desktop screen, he opens Chrome, a browser application, and searches up Youtube, he decides to just watch funny gaming videos to entertain himself but suddenly, his phone dinged. He pauses the video he's watching and checks his phone. There is an email for him, with a subject name of, "Question". Tatsumi opens the email and there is a letter, it says,

"Are you tired or bored of the games you played and this world?"

'It is getting quite boring' Tatsumi thought.

"Good! I knew you would get that feeling!" A voice says and Tatsumi got startled and jumped away,

"Hey! Who the hell are you? Come out!" Tatsumi says while equipping his dart guns,

Someone appears from the shadows of Tatsumi's darkroom. The person is about 144 centimeters tall and has a really slender, thin body. It is certain that someone looks like a girl because she had a feminine voice. She wears a white undershirt with a lime-colored vest with jeans for pants.

"You really have an interesting choice of clothes," Tatsumi says while looking intrigued.

"You say that while you wear a long sleeve, t-shirt and sweatpants. That's weird!" The girl says while smiling at him.

"Can we not talk about my appearance? I take back what I said, ok?" Tatsumi says while looking embarrassed and angry. The girl just laughs and says,

"It's alright, most people think I'm a girl even though I'm a boy."

"Oh, alrigh- WAIT" Tatsumi interrupts himself,

"You're a boy?!" Tatsumi shouts.

The person nodded,

"B-b-but your voice sounds feminine and your cute hair!' Tatsumi says,

"Thank you for the compliment but..."

"It's just who I am," He says.

"Anyways, we got off-topic here, I'm Kai. What's your name?" Kai says

"M-matsuoka Tatsumi, you can call me Tatsumi" Tatsumi stutters because he didn't think a boy could have such a cute and girly appearance.

Kai shakes his hand,

"Tatsumi, what a nice name!" Kai says it so cutely.

'God! Why the hell does this person have to be a boy instead of a girl! I don't hate or criticize gay people but I don't want to be one.' Tatsumi yells in his thoughts.

"So I have a another question for you, Tatsumi" Kai says

"Yes, what is it?" Tatsumi says

"Do you want to go somewhere that you like to do?" Kai asks

"Sure?" Tatsumi replies with a hint of confusion in his word.

"Alright!" Kai says cheerfully.

Kai puts both his hands on Tatsumi's chest.

'EH?!' Tatsumi overreacts to the fact that Kai puts his soft and slender hands to his chest.

"Start game!" Kai shouts and a huge magic circle appears on the floor,

"VANGUARD!" He shouts again and huge magic particles appear, transporting them to another world.


They arrive in an unknown, strange place.

"Where the hell am I?" Tatsumi asks,

"Welcome to Vanguard, Tatsumi!" Kai says,

"What the hell is Vanguard?" Tatsumi again, asks.

"Vanguard is a game where you actually play it instead of playing it on a screen. It has lots of weapons ranging from Swords to Guns!" Kai explains cheerfully.

"Cool!" Tatsumi tries to copy how Kai talks and that made Kai angry at him,

"Hey! Don't mock me!" Kai pouts while looking like he's about to cry.

Tatsumi suddenly becomes ashamed of himself, he made a boy (although looks like a girl) cry.

"I'm sorry!" Tatsumi shouts, begging Kai to forgive him.

Kai made a teehee face and stopped his acting.

"You piece of-" Tatsumi says but stops himself midway because he doesn't like to swear a lot.

"Anyways, I'll be here in case you need help, alright, Tatsumi?" Kai says

"Alright," Tatsumi says

And there Kai goes, he teleports away. Tatsumi is dumbstruck due to the fact, a few moments earlier, he was in his sweet, sweet, gaming room and now he's in some sort of world that works like a game!

"Well, if this is a game, does this work," He says while putting his hand in front of him and a holographic menu appeared in front of him.

'So it is a game' He thought.

There are a bunch of options in the menu, Statistics, Equipment, Items, and more. Tatsumi presses the Statistics menu and it opened his stats, abilities, and blessings. Tatsumi's stats are:

Tatsumi, LVL 1, EXP 0/100

Strength: 1

Dexterity: 10

Intelligence: 100

Endurance: 15

'Jesus Christ, my strength is 1?! I know I haven't been working out but I'm still fit, ya know?' Tatsumi thought.

He exits out of the statistics menu and presses the equipment menu, there seems to be a weapon already equipped. He presses the weapon to see its name and it says, "?????" and the description is also the same as the name.

"What the hell is this?" Tatsumi says, looking confused.

Tatsumi just unequips the weapon but it wouldn't unequip, everytime he drags it away to his inventory, it just keeps going back.

"Okay, I've had enough," Tatsumi says while looking annoyed. He closes the menu and tries to summon the weapon, a huge, bright light appeared in his eyes,

"AHHH!!!" He yelled because of how bright the light is.

A few moments later, a menu appeared asking him, "Sword or Gun?". Tatsumi thinks about this,

"Sword or Gun? Should I go with a Sword, more damage, and has the ability the block attacks but because of my Strength stat, I don't think I can even lift it plus it has a really short range since it's a sword. I think I would go with guns, I guess" Tatsumi brainstormed. He picked the gun option in the menu, and another light shined into his eyes,

"Why!!!" Tatsumi yelled again because another bright light is shining in his eyes.

He's back in the same location Kai transported him to. He is laid down on the ground, he stands up and there is something on his hand, a gun, not just any gun, it is a Desert Eagle Pistol. He immediately opens the menu and presses the equipment menu, there it is, the Desert Eagle, it does 80 damage with the cost of knockback recoil, which would mean it would be difficult to rapid-fire with the Desert Eagle.

"I still need armor though, but do I have money?" Tatsumi brainstormed again and checked his stats but instead of seeing how much money he has, he found something more interesting, a blessing, specifically, "Kai's Blessing of The Midnight Moon". It says that it gives the user, +25 on all stats except for Intelligence. Any gun that the user wields will get a +30% Recoil Stability, but there is a certain way to activate it.

"Huh, what do you know, a blessing from the goddess, uh I mean god." Tatsumi is at a loss for words, he still hasn't gotten over the fact that Kai is a boy. Tatsumi slaps himself to get everything back together.

"Alright!" Tatsumi says,

"What do I do now?" Tatsumi asks himself.

"Explore!" Kai gleefully replies to his question. That got Tatsumi startled,

"AH! You scared the shi- crap out of me" Tatsumi says,

"You can swear," Kai says,

"Hm?" Tatsumi says,

"You were about to swear, it's fine!" Kai says,

"Sorry but no, as much as I want to, I won't swear" Tatsumi turns down Kai.

"Suit yourself," Kai says.

"So exploring huh?" Tatsumi asks

"Yeah!" Kai cheerfully replies.

"Oh wait, hold on," Kai says and he closed his eyes, magic particles were everywhere, and a magic circle appeared in Kai's head then it slowly went down to his feet, but during that, his appearance was changing.

"There you go!" Kai says gleefully,

'E-EH?!?!!?' Tatsumi shouted in his thoughts.

Kai looked different, he has very beautiful, long brown hair and luminous green like emerald eyes.

"Call me Rin from now on, k?" Rin says,

"You were actually a girl?!" Tatsumi says while looking surprised.

Rin made a teehee face again,

"Kai is just a name I gave myself when I turn into a boy."

"But why would you turn into a boy?!" Tatsumi shouts,

"Well..." Rin says while getting closer to Tatsumi's face and whispered into his ear,

"You wouldn't want me taken, would you?"

That made Tatsumi blushed.

"Now, come on, I'll help you explore!" Rin says with a cheerful face.

They both explored the city, it was like New York City and Tokyo together, the buildings looked modern and futuristic, made out of fine metal. There were arcades scattered everywhere in this humongous city, it was like a gamer's dream! Of course, there are equipment shops all over the place but they were only in one district.

"Whoa!" Tatsumi is amazed by the sights of this place, arcades, games, even anime!

"You like this place already, Tatsumi?" Rin asks

"Yeah!!" Tatsumi replied with confidence.

"I'm glad!" Rin says while looking at him, all cute.

"Well if we're gonna be here, we need a place to stay," Tatsumi says,

"I already got that covered," Rin says,

"Wait what?" Tatsumi is surprised.

"I have a friend that lives here, I already talked to him and he agreed, isn't that nice?" Rin says,

"Yeah, it is" Tatsumi agreed.

They both headed to a train station,

"So they even have trains here, huh?" Tatsumi says,

Rin nods,

"Yep!" She says.

In Vanguard, there are 4 train lines, Ryu, Haru, Shiro, and Ren. Tatsumi and Rin board the Ryu train, which goes from Kira to Ryujin. The train looked like a bullet train in Japan with blue neons, indicating that it's the Ryu train (Blue). Tatsumi and Rin finds a seat on the train and sat there, it was quite a quiet trip. After a few moments, the train stopped at Yukio Station, where Tatsumi and Rin heads out of the train, after heading out the train, they took a taxi from the Train Station to Rin's friend's house

They finally arrive at the place, Tatsumi's jaw dropped. It was a mansion! Her friend lives in a mansion!

"EH?!" Tatsumi shouted,

"I didn't know that your friend lives in a mansion!"

Rin giggled,

"Your reactions to everything is funny, you know, Tatsumi?"

They both ringed the doorbell,

"Yes?" A woman says through the voicebox in the doorbell,

"It's Rin!" Rin replies.

"Ah, Rin!" The woman exclaims and opens the gate. The front yard looked nice, with a fountain in the middle. They walked over to the door, which the woman opened for them.

"Rin!" The woman exclaims again,

"Kazumi!" Rin says. They both hugged each other, looking all cute. Kazumi notices Tatsumi and whispered to Rin,

"Hey, hey, who's that?"

Rin giggled,

"My boyfriend" She whispered back.

Kazumi gasped and she immediately goes to Tatsumi and says,

"Nice to meet you, Tatsumi! I'm Kazumi" Kazumi says,

'What's up with her, her gaze earlier was cold and now she is being all nice to me? Well, I'm not complaining' Tatsumi thought.

"It's good to know that my friend, Rin, here has a boyfriend now!" Kazumi says,

"HUH?!?!" Tatsumi yelled in his thought, Rin slowly backs away and goes inside the mansion.

"Uh, yeah," Tatsumi says.

"Servants, please ready the food!" Kazumi shouts.

The servants, a group of maids and butlers, followed her order.

"Come on, I'll show you your room!" Kazumi says while dragging him into the 2nd floor. The mansion is really big, and I mean REALLY big, it had a lot of decorations too, it looks like a palace with the red carpet, a fireplace in the huge living room with a futuristic-looking tv, a dining room that has a really long table.

"Here's your room!" Kazumi says,

For a room, this seems to be a master bedroom, probably even bigger than a master bedroom, it even has a bathroom inside the room! The smell of the room is nice as the smell of dandelions, the white walls with yellow frames, strong and sturdy. He runs and jumps on the bed, the bed is very bouncy and soft, so is the pillow, the blanket's cotton is really soft, and overall, the room just looked cozy.

"If you want to play games, here!" Kazumi says while giving Tatsumi a PS5. There is a tv across the bed, it is connected to a wall and it is an OLED TV, 120HZ, 4K Resolution.

"This is the dream!" Tatsumi says.

"Here's your room, Rin!" Kazumi says while opening the door to Tatsumi's room,

"E-EH?!" They both said in unison.

"Why are you guys so surprised? You guys are boyfriend and girlfriend, right?" Kazumi asks

Rin prompted Tatsumi to say yes and he followed it,

"Yeah" Tatsumi replied.

"So this is normal!" Kazumi says

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'll leave you two alone, I'll be helping my servants and I'm gonna be VERY busy so your room is technically soundproofed, 'kay?" Kazumi says.

They both nod.

"Alright, see you later!" Kazumi says while waving her hand.

"So what do we do?" Rin says,

"I don't know" Tatsumi replies

A moment of silence happens. A few moments later,

"Bet you can't beat me in Call Of Duty," Tatsumi says while looking at Rin, all smug.

"Bet I can," Rin says it back.

"Let's bet then!" Tatsumi has laid down the gauntlet!

"If I win, I get..." Tatsumi says

"Your panties!" Tatsumi says.

Rin looked at him, disappointed.

"Of course, virgins are always gonna be virgins," Rin says,

"Well, I'll take that V-card away from you, If you lose, I'll fulfill your desire but..."

"You can't lose on purpose!" Rin says.

'FUCK YOU!' Tatsumi yelled in his thoughts.

"Alright then! LET'S DO THIS" Tatsumi says.